"Tammy" has been calling into the Paul Finebaum Show for years. On Monday, she came in hot screaming at Finebaum for the firing of Auburn head coach Gus Malzahn after his team's opening week loss to Clemson...
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Filed Under: SEC Football
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Gumbo196 months
Tammy makes the South look bad. She is what most other parts of the world (not just the USA) stereotype of Southerners. Malzahn is a good coach and a good human being.
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FleshEatingSalsa96 months
What? Lol. "Most other parts of the world" have no clue about our cultural regions. Just stop.
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TouchdownTony96 months
TAMMY. The prototypical auburn fan.
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YellaPurp96 months
I wish we had a few LSU crazed fans like this for the Les Miles debacle!
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Stellyonidas96 months
I'm sure we do but no one gives them a platform to display their crazy.
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LiguhTiguh96 months
well she ain't wrong
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