Nick Saban Says He Caught a 6-Foot, 180-Pound Tarpon In Florida
Chuck Cook-USA TODAY Sports
Alabama head coach Nick Saban opened up his SEC spring meetings press conference on Tuesday with a story about a 6-Foot, 180-Pound tarpon he caught while fishing in Florida on Monday night. Sports Illustrated's Andy Staples tweeted out the story...
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I'd like to see a photo of this. Someone has to have one, right?
Filed Under: SEC Football
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BlackPawnMartyr116 months
I would say its funny but its actually just pathetic to watch grown men try to talk smack about Saban's height. The only type of person who would do that, is someone who's only accomplishment is getting tall genes from their parents. Congrats, sorry that unlike Saban, you accomplished nothing else in your life. ;)
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Hugo Stiglitz117 months
frick Saban and his fish
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eddieray117 months
He must have really worked the process
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eddieray117 months
"Damn it feels good to be a gangsta"
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GeauxToBed117 months
"6 feet tall and 180 lbs? Line him up at safety"

Beat me to it
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LSU Patrick117 months
6 feet tall and 180 lbs? Line him up at safety.
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Rickety Cricket117 months
Agreed, Larry. I won't believe it until I see pics.
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blueboy117 months
Daddy, I caught a fish and it was bigger than me!!!
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LSUAlum2001117 months
So... The fish is a foot taller than Saban?
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Paco_taco117 months
Actually, someone else hooked it and started reeling it in but got tired. Then everyone else took turns until saban was last. He got champion fish credit because he owns the boat.
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Rebel Land Shark117 months
Pics or bullshite
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