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Recently fired Auburn head coach Bryan Harsin wasn't a fan of Derek Mason before he left for Oklahoma State and had some words for his on the way out.

Harsin’s record at Auburn is terrible by Auburn’s high standards, but the 2021 offseason was worse. He fired Bobo and saw Derek Mason leave for Oklahoma State. Ire from fans mounted at the revelation that the former Vanderbilt coach took a $ 400,000-a-year pay cut to leave.

Rumors swirled around Mason’s departure while several Auburn players opted for the transfer portal. One incident came about during Auburn’s search for a defensive line coach that resulted in hiring former Tiger defensive lineman Jimmy Brumbaugh. According to sources, Mason and Harsin disagreed about the process of selecting the defensive line coach. Mason wanted more control of the situation since the D-line coach would be his direct report. Harsin as the head coach felt he should make the call with input from Mason.

Harsin and Mason had an interaction where Mason said “I’ve been a head coach in this league longer than you have.” Harsin replied, “Oh, you mean at Vanderbilt?” according to people familiar with the situation.
(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: SEC Football
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BayouBlogger22 months
Both fair points, but Mason had some games where I was impressed with what he did relative to the talent. I can't think of any with Harsin.
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OweO22 months
Can we get a report on every school's coaching staff and what one coach tells another coach on the staff? Because coaches never get into it and say all kind of shite to each other. Then we can have people comment and try to read too much into it.
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Dawgwithnoname22 months
Bryan should have done his research.

He could have countered with "and never had a .500 season in all that time."
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Between TheHedges22 months
Harsin disrespect his wife by bangin clesi!
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R1122 months
lol that is funny
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cypresstiger22 months
More Paige
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AtlantaLSUfan22 months
Both were wrong. Mason should have said “I can help, I’ve coached against all of these SEC teams”. Instead they both made immature comments
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weremoose22 months
Yeah. That conversation, if accurately reported, is a clinic on bad leadership.
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Deltatiger22 months
Based on that snippet of a "conversation," I'd say this wasn't the first thing they disagreed on. And if it was, then Mason was out of line.
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PeleofAnalytics22 months
These are always hard to tell when you just see two quotes from a back and forth. You need to take their entire history into account. Don't know much about either but seems like Harsin has pissed off almost everyone he works with and I have not heard much bad about Mason. It seems likely that Harsin is just a general dick and Mason might be excused for saying something immature while in an argument. He may have been at a breaking point which is when even the best people can say something immature.
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GeauxTigers010722 months
The dumbest shite people try to turn into "newsworthy" material is staggering.
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biglego22 months
Harsin was right. HC makes the hires.
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VolNavy9822 months
I mean, both statements are factual and accurate.
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Monahans22 months
I mean...fair enough.
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soccerfüt22 months
Another Nothingburger story here Larry. Thanks
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TommyDaTiger22 months
You’re killing your father Larry
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Hamma112222 months
This isn’t news
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cypresstiger22 months
Big deal. Two coaches exchanged words. What is happening to this country?
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TrueLefty22 months
This isn't Local news or World news
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DeafVallyBatnR22 months
This is what happens when you aren't able to hire your assistants.
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llfshoals22 months
Mason won 6 games in a season twice….at Vandy. Harsin couldn’t accomplish that at Auburn. Pretty obvious who the better coach is
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Shovelhead22 months
Neither are good head coaches, but Mason accomplished more at Vandy than Harsin did at Auburn. Vandy has 9 bowl games in its history, Mason has two of them. It is really hard to consistently win at Vandy. James Franklin was very unusual and only did it for three seasons.
user avatar
I'm surprised that so many dumb asses up voted this. That Auburn schedule hit's different.
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ATLSUfan22 months
Well he did have a point there
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CanebreakCajun22 months
Harsin was right.
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Boudreaux Jones22 months
Not really. At least Mason finished out his contract. Harsin almost fired in his 1st offseason, remember?
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weremoose22 months
Does Vandy play a different SEC schedule or something?
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LesnarF522 months
I thought that was kinda funny!
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YMCA22 months
I don’t know if that was a jab at Mason or not. I mean Mason managed a 6 win season at Vandy and that’s way more difficult than hitting that mark at Auburn.
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