This morning we saw this Alabama groom's cake that featured Nick Saban riding an elephant while holding the BCS trophy on the field at Bryant-Denny Stadium. Well, the Bride, who is a Florida grad, got the last laugh...

She apparently found out about the cake before the wedding and asked them to dye the inside orange and blue – Florida’s colors.
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Bestbank Tiger117 months
When he gets the marriage annulled I'll marry her. That was pure awesomeness. Even better because Florida colors are also Auburn colors.
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AppyTiger117 months
Uhh, he should marry his other sister.
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BradPitt117 months
"He should withhold sex for a month. That will teach her."

You think that will stop her from getting dicked out??? What planet do you live on?
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randomways117 months
This is just plain awesome. I wish my wife had done something similar at our wedding. Of course, we both graduated from the same place, so maybe it wouldn't have been particularly newsworthy.
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SpartyGator117 months
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Jizzy08117 months
Saban actual size
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gthog61117 months
I like this
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TigerJeff117 months
why she marryin' that dbag anyway??
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Sid in Lakeshore117 months
Well played by the Bride. I sense of humor goes a Looooooong way in a marriage. Some of you are destined for divorce.
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Street Hawk117 months
He should withhold sex for a month. That will teach her.
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Rebel Land Shark117 months
I can see a divorce in the future
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jiffyjohnson117 months
You're doing God's work Larry.
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NorthshoreTiger76117 months
Grounds for divorce
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sealawyer117 months
She's probably dead now. Y'all should show some respect for abused women.
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NorthGwinnettTiger117 months
Perryman is a graduate of the University of Florida,

while Sabin, conveniently, is a fan of the Alabama Crimson Tide.

^^^Color me shocked.
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Rickety Cricket117 months
More like sort of cool, Larry.
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Dale Doubak117 months
What a dum cake. That's what a fake fan does
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LSUtigers111117 months
Probably the worst combination of teams I could think of
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Jack Daniel117 months
Jody will get the last laugh
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crazyLSUfan117 months
Good stuff
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