On Tuesday night ESPN SportsNation posed the poll question, “What do you make of Indiana fans rushing the court after their unranked team beat No. 3 Wisconsin?" after Indiana’s upset of undefeated Wisconsin 75-72. Pretty much the entire United States thinks it's cool...except Kentucky...

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Florida225133 months
It's all situational. Is it a rivalry game? Does it win you a conference title? How high of a ranking or your opponent? Wisconsin had a double digit winning streak against IU. If I was there, I would have ended up in center court.
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Kentucker133 months
IU hasn't been an elite program for a quarter century. Storming the court is okay for them.
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lsurulz389133 months
that win shoudn't have even happened
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lsurulz389133 months
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GetmorewithLes133 months
Indiana fans should have known better. Where's Bobby Knight when you need him? They would have never stormed his court!
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Henry Jones Jr133 months
The Rupp Arena court has never been stormed. There are certain programs that shouldn't rush the court. Indiana is one of those programs.
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geauxscott133 months
I wouldn't like it either after the Bluegrass Miracle.
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MThawg133 months
Act like you've been there comes to mind but it's all in good fun.
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