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re: so the 2 states with legal pot have their nfl teams in the superbowl

Posted on 1/22/14 at 7:25 pm to
Posted by dawgfan24348
Member since Oct 2011
49438 posts
Posted on 1/22/14 at 7:25 pm to
Posted by BoulderDawg34
Boulder CO
Member since Sep 2012
327 posts
Posted on 1/22/14 at 11:53 pm to
DawgLyfe...Yes, I have driven after smoking. Guess what? Never been in an accident. I don't smoke a ton and get directly in the car. I wait a while. Same as if I had a couple of beers, I would wait at least 2+ hours before driving. What's the difference? Also, I vaporize now or eat edibles so the carcinogen argument doesn't work on me. And yes, I am thinking about the children, and everyone else who could benefit from MMJ. Instead of being on synthetic medication with horrible side effects, one can ingest cannibis with minimal side effects. I'm sure you've seen plenty of commercials about certain pharmaceuticals. Half the commercial is about the side effects. Chantix, which is supposed to help you quit smoking, has a side effect of "possible" suicidal thoughts. Ambien, I mean come on. All these school shooters are usually on some cocktail of pharms. You've seen the pics. Bug-eyed and crazy looking. Since you want to link to studies done, I'll link you to one as well that has a different conclusion. Notice some of the studies cited in the footnotes. SCIENCE
This post was edited on 1/23/14 at 12:53 am
Posted by dawgsjw
Member since Dec 2012
2114 posts
Posted on 1/23/14 at 5:14 am to

So, tell me...since you reject the scientific evidence I have given you...what evidence would you accept?

Well how about this, the most of the scientific evidence shows how good weed is for you. The only negatives you presented is how addictive it is and how many people get 'drowsy' from driving and crashing everywhere. Well 1st off weed isnt as addictive as you make it out to be. Yes some people can be addictive to it, but how many more people are addictive to real drugs, like pain pills, anxiety pills, other prescription pills? You want to see REAL addiction, go look at some meth users or heroin addicts, that will change your perception of addictions. If marijuana is so addictive, how come you can quit cold turkey w/ minimal withdrawals? I am recently cutting out all sugars and gluten, and guess what? The past 3 days I've had a headache and body aches from withdrawals from removing these foods. Guess what, I never felt this bad quitting weed. Seriously you need to see what real addiction that one movie where the weed user goes to rehab and all the ppl there are making fun of him b/c its just weed, and bob saget's character said something like, "have you ever sucked dick to get weed?" no, but ppl do that to get coke,meth, heroin, you know real drugs w/ real addictions.

You keep bringing up the driving and falling asleep, do you really think this will be a big problem? I have never, NEVER, heard of this as a reason to keep weed illegal. Also you keep ignoring my response to this argument by punishing people who driving high and get into wrecks. Also weed isn't like alcohol, it doesn't dull your senses, it enhances them. Food tastes better, you hear things differently, stuff looks more real and crisp, etc. Also, I've been smoking weed for 10+ years, and I've only been in a wreck 1 time, and it was teh other guys fault. So why haven't I or any of my friends passed out while high on weed? B/c that shite is stupid as frick and does not god damn happen my friend. Please drop the whole drowsy while high argument, b/c quiet frankly, its a real weak argument. Your shits weak!
Posted by dawgsjw
Member since Dec 2012
2114 posts
Posted on 1/23/14 at 6:16 am to
Damn dude, you want to make fun of my links, but yours is no better, but yes I'll humor u.


THC is a relatively harmless drug for the human body but the problem is that to get THC into their systems, most people choose to smoke it and that’s where it can become dangerous. Scientific analyses of marijuana smoke, cited in Iversen’s book, have identified at least 6,000 of the same chemicals in marijuana smoke as are present in tobacco smoke. Smoked marijuana and smoked tobacco are chemically very similar, the main difference between them being the THC in marijuana and the nicotine in tobacco. LINK

Look up the Endocannabinoid system. It is natural chemicals and receptors in yoru body that are chemically the same as cannabinoids found in marijuana. Your endocannabinoid system controls all of your major bodily functions. Watch this video, this is a doctor talking age related illnesses and how the endocannabinoid and cannabis controls this.

Doctor talks about pot

the tar in cigs and weed are completely different. Cigs are fertilized with radioactive fertilizer and weed isn't. So that right there is enough to stop comparing cig tar/smoke with weeds tar/smoke. Plus many of the chemicals in weed have medicinal properties, whereas tobacco smoke has hardly any. Also I never heard weed had over 6000 chemicals in it, only several hundred.

Also thc is fights against lung cancer too. You smoke it and not get lung cancer, wow thats amazing! How many people die of lung cancer from smoking cigs a year? How many people get lung cancer from smoking only pot? Weed is good as shrinking tumors and cancers since the endocannabonoid system controls most of our bodily functions. Cannabis causes apoptosis in cancer and tumor cells. How is this bad again?

This is sciencedaily too, so argue that one haha

Weed cuts lung cancer tumor in half


Mar. 1, 2012 — A major downside of the medical use of marijuana is the drug's ill effects on working memory, the ability to transiently hold and process information for reasoning, comprehension and learning. LINK

Yea it may impair short term memory, but the overall memory loss (long term included) is minimal. I'm not trying to brag, but I have a great memory. There maybe 1 other person who can remember stuff as good as me and guess what, he smokes pot too. I'm around sober and high people all the time and none knows I'm high unless they know I smoke and I tell them. Remember the old saying, use it or lose it? Same applies to your memories. I may forget some stuff that isnt important to me, but major events, or any other significant memories I can easily recall.

What about weed and divergent thinking? "A new paper published in Psychiatry Research sheds some light on this phenomenon, or why smoking weed seems to unleash a stream of loose associations. The study looked at a phenomenon called semantic priming, in which the activation of one word allows us to react more quickly to related words. For instance, the word “dog” might lead to decreased reaction times for “wolf,” “pet” and “Lassie,” but won’t alter how quickly we react to “chair”.

Interestingly, marijuana seems to induce a state of hyper-priming, in which the reach of semantic priming extends outwards to distantly related concepts. As a result, we hear “dog” and think of nouns that, in more sober circumstances, would seem to have nothing in common."

Also what about how weed is good for alzhemiers?


Alzheimer's disease is the leading cause of dementia among the elderly, and with the ever-increasing size of this population, cases of Alzheimer's disease are expected to triple over the next 50 years. Consequently, the development of treatments that slow or halt the disease progression have become imperative to both improve the quality of life for patients and reduce the health care costs attributable to Alzheimer's disease. Here, we demonstrate that the active component of marijuana, Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), competitively inhibits the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) as well as prevents AChE-induced amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta) aggregation, the key pathological marker of Alzheimer's disease. Computational modeling of the THC-AChE interaction revealed that THC binds in the peripheral anionic site of AChE, the critical region involved in amyloidgenesis. Compared to currently approved drugs prescribed for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, THC is a considerably superior inhibitor of Abeta aggregation, and this study provides a previously unrecognized molecular mechanism through which cannabinoid molecules may directly impact the progression of this debilitating disease."

So yes, maybe in teh short term weed may fog your memory, but other than that it is good for your brain. Hell it is even an antioxidant and neuroprotective.

"One of the first studies to document these effects was a study published in 1998, which found that cannabinoids could protect neurons from exposure to toxic levels of glutamate – a neurotransmitter that plays a role in a number of neurodegenerative disorders. The study compared cannabinoids head-to-head with antioxidant vitamins C and E and found cannabidiol to be 30-50% more effective than either of the vitamins. A follow-up trial published in 2000 showed similar results using animal models instead of cell cultures."

So THC is better for you than vit C and E, wow! So it gets you high and is better than those high touted vitamins? It seems meant to be.

So how does an antioxidant suppress the immune system? Here is response to the immune study on weed:

"The immune suppression issue was first raised in research by the notorious cannabophobe Dr. Gabriel Nahas, but a flurry of research by the Reagan administration failed to find anything alarming. The recent discovery of a cannabinoid receptor inside rat spleens, where immune cells reside, raises the likelihood that cannabinoids do exert some sort of influence on the immune system.2 It has even been suggested that these effects might be beneficial for patients with auto-immune diseases such as multiple sclerosis. Nevertheless, not a single case of marijuana-induced immune deficiency has ever been clinically or epidemiologically detected in humans."

So again the study was nice and all, but no weed induced immune deficiency has been detected in humans, so that contradicts the study right?

Posted by dawgsjw
Member since Dec 2012
2114 posts
Posted on 1/23/14 at 6:17 am to
This goes with my above post, as it was too long.

You admit it is good as medicine, so why not let the public use it recreationally? Its obviously good for you and perhaps some people want to smoke a joint a day to keep the doctor away, just like a glass of wine. Getting 'high' has a bad connotation to it, which makes it sound like you are really altering your reality. Maybe the 1st couple times you smoke, if you smoke a lot can be like that, but after a while you baseline to where you should be and its nothing even like that. Like I said, I can smoke 100$ worth of weed and then go run a mile or two and be FINE. If I drink 2 beers and did that, I would throw up.

Also if I wanted to take teh childish route, look at prescription pills, you dont think that they alter your reality and impair you? These drs are giving out pills like candy, every visit you go, they try to give you something, a sample, etc. Look at all these side effects, some internal bleeding, drop in blood pressure, even cause stroke or heart attack and death. HOly frick that is bad, when weeds worst side effects (according to you is getting in a wreck while driving high, which we all do right after we smoke) is nothing like that. You are much sooner to overdose on water than weed, FACT! If cigs and alcohol is worse for you, cigs cause almost 500,000 deaths per year including 2nd hand smoke and alcohol is about 75,000 a year, then why keep weed illegal? How many people die from weed a year? I could find no answer with google.

Even looking at the death rates of cigs vs alcohol you can see that impairment while driving is not that big of a deal in stats for these death rates. Cigs death rate is over 6 times that of alcohol and nobody blames cigs for causing wrecks like alcohol and weed (iguess). All them alcohol deaths werent even driving related, so its an even wider margine. So again it makes your driving argument for weed look bad.
This post was edited on 1/23/14 at 6:27 am
Posted by DawgsLife
Member since Jun 2013
59019 posts
Posted on 1/23/14 at 7:14 am to

Damn dude, you want to make fun of my links, but yours is no better, but yes I'll humor u.

Seriously? Yours are from a Blog written by a pothead....mine are from Science Journals and Harvard. Only in your world would your links be better than mine.

Now....let's take a look at your links, shall we?

Your very first link is from Dr. Robert Malemede. He is very impressive. has great credentials. I said, man! He has me! Then I checked into Dr. Malemede. Guess what? BHe just sold stock he held in Cannabis Science. Gee.....he has no financial stake in having Marijuana legalized, does he? here is a link to back up what I say:

Next, you use Wikipedia as a source. Wikipedia? Seriously? The source that anyone can write anything?

The you come up with the Science daily link saying that it cut a tumor in half. That IS great news! I never siad that THC could not be used effectively. However you have to keep reading.

It is not marijuana itself, but the THC that seems to do the trick. now, marijuana DOES contain THC, but you can isolate the THC, and leave all the harmful effects behind with the marijuana to treat cancer. You must also keep in mind that this was a study done on mice. More testing is needed.

Loong term memory loss of 10+ years was experienced in 25% of people.


Look. I never said that marijuana had NO positive effects. But let's face it. I fyou are completely really don't want it for medical reasons, do you?

Do you have glaucoma? How about cancer? Alzheimers?

If yu can't answer the question I have been asking from the beginning, then I will not post in this thread again.

Have you ever driven while you were smoking or shortly afterward?

I realize that you have or you would have answered this before now. I also realize when I do not respond in this thread anymore you will raise your hands in victory saying that i can't refute your "solid" arguments. However, your links are from blogs written by potheads, Doctors that own stock in companies promoting marijuana usage....hardly scientific or impartial.
The one legitimate link I saw did support what you said...but it was talking about tests done on mice and needed more testing before the same conclusions could be made about humans.

It does us no good to go round and round. How about we call a truce, and get back to talking about something we can both agree on? Georgia Football! I know we both want to see them do well in the coming year, right?
Posted by DawgsLife
Member since Jun 2013
59019 posts
Posted on 1/23/14 at 7:28 am to

This goes with my above post, as it was too long.

No problem man! I looked at some of my posts and I get a bit long winded, too!


You admit it is good as medicine, so why not let the public use it recreationally? Its obviously good for you and perhaps some people want to smoke a joint a day to keep the doctor away,

Just because something is good for you medicinally, does not mean it is good for you recreationally. I can go on and on about medicines that are harmful for you taken outside of a doctors orders. And a joint a day is very harmful. I have shown that in several links.


Also if I wanted to take teh childish route, look at prescription pills, you dont think that they alter your reality and impair you?

I am with you on this, too! Abuse of prescription pills is just as bad as marijuana abuse. Neither should be abused. And, that is not going the childish route. It is a legitimate point you are making.


If cigs and alcohol is worse for you, cigs cause almost 500,000 deaths per year including 2nd hand smoke and alcohol is about 75,000 a year, then why keep weed illegal? How many people die from weed a year? I could find no answer with google.

But see....alcohol cause a WHOLE lot more deaths per year because of drunk drivers. I realize this supports YOUR argument, but we have no idea how many deaths are caused by drivers driving while smoking weed. they don't test for that at stops. But if accidents double after smoking weed, we can assume that deaths would skyrocket if weed were made legal.


Cigs death rate is over 6 times that of alcohol and nobody blames cigs for causing wrecks like alcohol and weed (iguess).

That is because cigarettes do not impair reactions or decision making like alcohol and marijuana. Cigarettes kill primarily from lung cancer.

Well....we have beaten this horse to death, haven't we? I've actually enjoyed talking with you. I got snarky a few times, and i apologize for that. It's time to put this one to bed and start talking football again, though, don't you think? I don't believe I will ever sway you to my way of thinking, and you won't be able to convince me, either. So...let's talk football, instead and agree to disagree!
Posted by dawgfan24348
Member since Oct 2011
49438 posts
Posted on 1/23/14 at 7:31 am to
I'm done you won't believe anything I post even though there is little evidence that supports your driving high theory you continue to jump on it

I actually gave links that say weed is not very addictive and the driving high thing is more of a myth

and why do you care if someone wants to smoke pot?
Who are you to say what someone can't do?
There are plenty of medical benefits but people will abuse the medical law by paying off doctors or finding doctors who will give it out for the slightest of problems so it's better to just completely legalize a harmless drug
This post was edited on 1/23/14 at 7:34 am
Posted by DawgsLife
Member since Jun 2013
59019 posts
Posted on 1/23/14 at 7:42 am to

DawgLyfe...Yes, I have driven after smoking. Guess what? Never been in an accident.

That's good! I am glad you have been careful. However, statistics show that many people are not as skilled a driver, or as careful as you have been. And that means deaths on the road. It would kill me to get a call saying my wife, daughter or son had been killed from a drunk driver or a driver high from smoking marijuana. And I KNOW we have seen train wrecks in which the conductors had been smoking weed.

I won't argue about some of the side effects of prescribed medicines. but I would argue that we do not need to add to that. We need to get the harmful drugs off the market.

My wife and i used to laugh after those commercials, too! A drug that promises to cure sinus infections..possible side effects are "Suicidal thoughts, impotence, blindness, heart palpatations, etc. etc. etc!

I'll keep the sinus infections, thank you!

For what it is worth, I read your link. AND, I looked at and read some of the studies it based it's article on. However, what I found is that it based the information on only a part of the studies. For's claims about epilepsy? The link talked about the effects of epilepsy on pregnant women, and such. That link said nothing, that I could see, about the effects of marijuana helping epileptic patients. In other words, in the 2-3 links I looked at it used the links to get effects of diseases, but none of the ones I read said marijuana helped. ONLY the main article made those claims without supporting documentation.

Like I told the other guys...we've beaten this horse to death. I am ready to move on and talk football. Shall we call truce and just talk football on this football board?
Posted by dawgsjw
Member since Dec 2012
2114 posts
Posted on 1/23/14 at 9:11 am to
You ignore my links and debate b/c its from a pothead site? Really? Did you not read teh article refereneced from the pothead site? It was done from National institute of health. NIH is not a pothead organization, the pothead website showed an article by the NIH. If I posted the link from teh NIH website, would that change your mind?

And the wiki link had nothign to do with weed, it was the the endocannabonoid system in your body. It affects all aspects of our organs and nerves, etc. It controls almost everything, and these chemcials are the same chemicals found in weed. You ignore this b/c I used a wikilink? This proves you did not read it.

So what that dr has stock in weed, you think the anti weed articles and studies you read, who are they funded by?


You ever look to see what cannabis science is? Its research into medical marijuana field. Here is from their website :

At Cannabis Science, we use an inquiring approach to discover and develop novel cannabinoid-based therapies to improve patients’ lives.

So a doctor invested in this company, then sold his stock, and thats bad to you? Its a publicly traded company and people buy and sell stock all the time. Now you ignore people who buy and sell stock?

Posted by dawgsjw
Member since Dec 2012
2114 posts
Posted on 1/23/14 at 9:12 am to
Also there is a lot of misleading info here and I'm just trying to fix it that is all.
Posted by BoulderDawg34
Boulder CO
Member since Sep 2012
327 posts
Posted on 1/23/14 at 10:27 am to
DawgLyfe, I'm done arguing with you. You've got your opinion, I have mine. Go Dawgs!
Posted by JacketFan77
Tiger, GA
Member since Nov 2012
2554 posts
Posted on 1/23/14 at 12:21 pm to
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