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re: OT - I hope y'all are ready for President Clinton *gag*

Posted on 10/21/16 at 11:13 pm to
Posted by Cobb Dawg
Member since Sep 2012
9804 posts
Posted on 10/21/16 at 11:13 pm to
What's the frequency, Kennth?
Posted by RocketDawg
Western Carolina
Member since Sep 2009
667 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 5:15 am to

If you don't get your information from the news media, where do you get it?

tha fact that you are actuall asking this question tells me all I need to know about you. SMH

What most people are missing is that both parties have been put on notice finally by the people. Hillary and the DNC cheated to beat Bernnie and the Republicans were too damn smug to think Trump could win so they paid a price for it. People want change and that is why I think we are just beginning to see a swing. I also think the two major parties are on the fringe of splintering into multiple parties as too many people feel alienated. The democratic part knew they had the ace in the whole. The media!

Those that vote for Hillary are just being played for a fool. She will not get anything accomplished for two major reasons she is hated by both sides and she has exhausted many friendships in the race and made too many deals she can not keep. Once those chickens come home to roost she will be a lame duck with no hope for getting anything accomplished.
Posted by RocketDawg
Western Carolina
Member since Sep 2009
667 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 5:27 am to
What evidence do you have that Russia has any involvement in the so called hack? Just yesterday I read an article that categorically denied that. Now you'd be hard pressed to convince anyone that Putin is not having his way with Obama. Hell he is owning him and he knows Hillary will more in line with Obamas policies.

Just look at Turkey when they shot down the Russian fighter jet. Russia learned a lesson and they haven't flown into Turkish air space since. Hillary would not answer that question the other night because she wouldn't shoot it is down. She just doesn't have the heart for it.

Imagine for a minute if everyone you came in contact with judged you by what you said rather than what you did. To think that trump is the only man who objectives women is a joke.
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 6:12 am to

So you like Putin and Assad. That pretty much says it all.

Asinine hyperbole is all you got left? Good arguing with you. Thanks for playing.
Posted by DawgsLife
Member since Jun 2013
59981 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 6:53 am to

ISIS began when GWB invaded Iraq and destabilized the Middle East.

You do realize that Hillery voted for that war, right?
If the Middle East was destabilized and ISIS grew out of that war, then Hillery was part of the blame.

All others
Posted by samson'sseed
Member since Aug 2013
2070 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 8:41 am to
3 paragraphs you write and you still don't answer my question.

Where do you get your information, if not from the news media?

BTW, the DNC didn't cheat to beat Bernie Sanders. It was a landslide. You might have a case, if the election was close between them, but it was not.
Posted by SquatchDawg
Cohutta Wilderness
Member since Sep 2012
14894 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 9:06 am to

What's the frequency, Kennth?

So we don't send arms and money to insurgent groups to try and stir up trouble in foreign countries? We don't get involved in proxy wars?

We've never armed "rebels" and then had those same arms used against us?

You're a tool. Get your head out of the sand.
Posted by Cobb Dawg
Member since Sep 2012
9804 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 9:51 am to
It amuses me in reading this string as well as other media, that people argue one side and you could just plug the other side and the same "facts" would be true. Both sides think they're right without have any knowledge at all of the actual facts. But here's what I know to be true. GWB started the second Gulf War under the pretense that they had WMDs. His own intelligence said in the media that there were no WMDs, but he invaded anyway. Then he occupied then he pulled out. 9/11 happened on his watch, and the Middle East is a cluster because of him and his failed policies. I loved Reagan and George, Senior, but this clown Trump has absolutely no business as the Republican nominee, and he'll lose in a landslide.

No matter who gets elected, things won't change much, and that's not a bad thing. The less government can get done in peacetime, usually the better for US citizens. Our government is usually worse for us when they are getting things some and screwing with our lives.

All of this piss and vinegar over this election makes me laugh. "Our candidate will save the U.S.!"............give me a break!
Posted by DawgsLife
Member since Jun 2013
59981 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 10:33 am to

BTW, the DNC didn't cheat to beat Bernie Sanders. It was a landslide. You might have a case, if the election was close between them, but it was not.

As a whole I agree...but if they were not worried about his winning, why did they spend so much time making plans and plotting about what to do to keep him from winning?

Don't get me wrong, he is a socialist, and I can't stand socialism. It feeds in to the "I want somebody to give me what I deserve." mentality.
Posted by DawgsLife
Member since Jun 2013
59981 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 10:47 am to

GWB started the second Gulf War under the pretense that they had WMDs. His own intelligence said in the media that there were no WMDs, but he invaded anyway.

Somebody in his intelligence may have....afterward. but it was widely reported in a media that hated him that his intelligence, the Israeli intelligence, British intelligence and even the Russian intelligence told us they had WMD. And, they found yellow cake which is used to make WMD.

In the introduction to this dossier (known to some as the “dodgy” dossier) Tony Blair confidently declared, ‘the assessed intelligence has established beyond doubt that Saddam has continued to produce chemical and biological weapons [and] that he continues in his efforts to develop nuclear weapons.’

In fact, however, George Tenet, George W. Bush's CIA director, assured the President that the case for Saddam possessing WMD was “a slam dunk.” In this assessment, Tenet had the backing of all fifteen agencies involved in gathering intelligence for the United States. The National Intelligence Estimate of 2002, where their collective views were summarized, asserted with “high confidence” that "Iraq is continuing, and in some areas expanding its chemical, biological, nuclear, and missile programs contrary to UN resolutions.

The intelligence agencies of Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Israel, and France all agreed with this judgment. Even Hans Blix—who headed the UN team of inspectors trying to determine whether Saddam had complied with the demands of the Security Council that he dispose of the WMD he was known to have had in the past—lent further credibility to the case in a report he issued only a few months before the invasion:

"The discovery of a number of ... chemical rocket warheads in a bunker at a storage depot 170 km southwest of Baghdad was much publicized. This was a relatively new bunker, and therefore the rockets must have been moved there in the past few years, at a time when Iraq should not have had such munitions.... They could also be the tip of a submerged iceberg. The discovery … points to the issue of several thousands of chemical rockets that are unaccounted for."


Now, whether the intelligence was correct, or not, can be debated, but it is clear that the intelligence gathered from multiple sources point to WMD's, being in Iraq.

Also, after his capture, Hussein himself, in an interview, admitted to making moves and statements with the intention of giving the intelligence community the impression that they had WMD's in an effort to stall off an invasion.
This post was edited on 10/22/16 at 10:48 am
Posted by DawgsLife
Member since Jun 2013
59981 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 10:51 am to

No matter who gets elected, things won't change much, and that's not a bad thing. The less government can get done in peacetime, usually the better for US citizens. Our government is usually worse for us when they are getting things some and screwing with our lives.

Wow. Again we agree. I think maybe we should both be nervous!
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 11:06 am to

But here's what I know to be true. GWB started the second Gulf War under the pretense that they had WMDs. His own intelligence said in the media that there were no WMDs, but he invaded anyway.

You are such a cliche. You are the sheeple lemming that is the problem with this country. If something is said by the media enough, you believe it.

Saddam killed tens of thousands of his own people with chemical weapons. This is irrefutable. Maybe he used them all up? Maybe he hid them? Or maybe he shipped them to Syria when we announced weeks in advance that we were coming there (like idiots).

Point is, why does it matter that we didn't find any after the fact? We know he used them. Multiple times. There is irrefutable proof of this.

The only people harping on the Bush lies about WMD's bullshite is the Liberal MSM and the anti-Republican Establishment trying to push a propaganda agenda to sway voters.

And you're just drinking the koolaid up like a good little non-critical illogical non-deductive reasoning sheep.

We never should have gone into Iraq (or Libya, Afghanistan, or Syria... etc.), to begin with. But we did because the Military Industrial Complex and the corrupt Establishment on both sides that LOVES to give our tax dollars to their corporate donors waged a pro-war propaganda agenda and bamboozled everyone into believing it was necessary and good.

And when it was over and the trillions were spent, they flipped the narrative to the blame-game for their next agenda... to get their next puppet administration installed.

And that's exactly what they're trying to do now with Hillary. Get the most corrupt person possible in there who has no problem spending our tax dollars on all her donor's wants and desires.
Posted by RocketDawg
Western Carolina
Member since Sep 2009
667 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 4:43 pm to

I don't believe serving in the military is an excuse to act like an arse.
Sir please explain how I'm acting like an arse? When I went back to college after serving my country in the first Gulf War, I was taught when reading any electronic communications that the receiver of any such messages determines the tone unless there are exclamations or bold italics etc.. So I'm a loss for words here. My point was your feelings on the topic at hand are not my concern. I appreciate your thanks for my service but did I need to say that to make you feel better? I was trying to stay on topic.


Trump being a first time candidate doesn't excuse what he says.
Agreed but is what a person says more important than what a person does? Exhibit A, look at all of the shite HRC has done in her life that are at the very least controversial. As the father of two daughters, I know what Trump said was wrong in so many ways but I also know most men think that way and many verbalize it. Trump is arrogant because he wealthy and so is HRC which is why she thinks she can do as she pleases.

Do you have any idea how many prior Presidents have had sex scandals, have done way worse that utter some stupid remarks? Come on man! You have got to be better than that.

The racists remarks Trump supposedly said because of the Mexico is sending us their rapists, murderers and drug dealers is you want the man to lie about it? While it is also true that many struggling, poor and decent Hispanics come here seeking a better life so is the other statement. We have laws for a reason.

If you or Cobb or anyone other person on this board thinks Trump will start a nuclear war then you really don't think he's too much of a self absorbed arse because he knows, just as anybody with even a basic understanding of nuclear war should know that is the end all for him and his family. There are no one shot nuke war as Hollywood tries to get us believe. Trump is no more likely to start a nuclear war than HRC is.


No, I believe most of the media is clearly biased towards Hillary. I've had these feelings on Trump for quite a while. I align more politically with him, but there's more to being a president than just that IMO. I believe Wikileaks doesn't get a lot of air time because it is a foreign country hacking into someone's servers illegally. I'm sure people will say I'm a cuck because of this, but I have a very similar stance to Marco Rubio on Wikileaks.
Ok, lets start with this. About six months ago I read that roughly 86% of the members of the media are registered as a Democrat. That is a lot higher than the average for the rest of America as registered Democrats have generally had more voters than Republicans. In 2015 Independents actually surpassed both parties primarily due to many American's dissatisfaction with both parties. I see this trend continuing.

So why on earth would you believe the media would be hurting her by being biased? It makes no sense and they gave her a pass when she was running against Bernie as well. When I hear a topic of discussion come up I generally watch the three main media outlets then Fox, then I'll read up on it and finally I talk with other people here in my area who have opinions I respect. I will never take anything the media says as gospel. Their credibility is shot and that why they consistently rank near the bottom in professions with high credibility. Are all of those people wrong?

I will give Democrats props for always playing to win, they out maneuver Republicans at every twist and turn but they have become a win for the party at all cost to hold onto power and that is very bad.

This election is FAR more important than Trump or HRC due to the implications of SCOTUS. If you think things are bad now just wait till we continue down the left road of liberality. Read your history books. In the history of mankind truly liberal societies have never succeeded. They are doomed to fail and always have. You wont have to worry about our nukes being set off by a Trump mad-man type because we wont have any. The liberal left will get rid of them.
Posted by RocketDawg
Western Carolina
Member since Sep 2009
667 posts
Posted on 10/22/16 at 5:29 pm to

Then he occupied then he pulled out. 9/11 happened on his watch, and the Middle East is a cluster because of him and his failed policies.
Last time I checked it was the current administration that pulled out and left a void. Please show me some proof that he pulled out. If you're are talking about downsizing the number of troops in country then that is not pulling out. No military wins a war then remains in full force.

As far as 911 happening during Bush's Administration...yes it did but if you read up on it you will see the damage was done under Clinton as it was all prepped, planned and set in motion while he was the President. By the time Bush took office the primary actors were already in country. Also the military had Bin-Laden and wanted him dead during Clinton's second term and he refused to give the order.


All of this piss and vinegar over this election makes me laugh. "Our candidate will save the U.S.!"............give me a break!
The mere fact that there are people like you out there that believe this way is what concerns me.

You will see no posts from me saying Trump will safe anything and in fact I agree neither will get a lot of anything done but HRC has continued to move left and there is no end in sight to it.
Posted by Buddy2012
Member since Sep 2012
2868 posts
Posted on 10/23/16 at 6:24 pm to

1. There will never be unrestricted abortion. 2. We will never have gay marriage as the law of the land.
3. There will never be unrestricted rights of transsexuals to use the restroom of their choice.
4. We would never disregard existing immigration law.
5. Sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants is just a conservative fantasy. 6. You idiot. We will never have women serving along side men in the military. 7. Freedom of religion will never be compromised. But you best bake that cake for that gay couple regardless of your faith. Right wing religious nuts are just paranoid. 8. Islam is a religion of peace. You conservatives are just racist hate mongers. 9. They will never take away your guns in the UK. 10. And yea, they will never take away your guns in the U.S.........

Better List...

1. Man landing on the moon was fake and done in Hollywood
2. Bar codes coming to grocery stores in the 70's are a sign of the beast
3. Paul McCartney is Dead
4. Elvis is Alive
5. New World Order is a secret society that has been striving for over a century to unite the world under one totalitarian style of government. They are now based in the Denver Airport
6. At Midnight 1-1-2000 all the computers will shut down and there will be massive looting of your food and guns
7. Facebook is funded and ran by the CIA
8. The US Mint is putting tracking material in paper money
9. Malaysian Airlines jet was hijacked and hidden in Afghanistan so they can fly it into a US building
10. And, the US Government will take our guns
Posted by Cobb Dawg
Member since Sep 2012
9804 posts
Posted on 10/23/16 at 7:47 pm to

The mere fact that there are people like you out there that believe this way is what concerns me.

I couldn't have said this better.......about you.
Posted by olddawg26
Member since Jan 2013
24785 posts
Posted on 10/23/16 at 9:11 pm to
Other car lol
Posted by dcbl
Good guys wear white hats.
Member since Sep 2013
29895 posts
Posted on 10/24/16 at 4:49 am to


you are correct - you can't argue w crazy

so I will not attempt to argue with you

I will say that you are a self righteous a-hole

you are also a fricking moron

Cobb Dawg as well

hell, I will say 1 thing

the purpose of the 2nd amendment is to ensure that citizens are not able to be overrun by the state, not just for hunting and self protection

but collective protection from an overwhelming government

and liberals/progressives are fighting to chip away at the 2nd amendment through incrementalism

if you do not see that, you are a fricking moron

wait, you have already demonstrated that you are a fricking moron and I said I would not attempt to argue with crazy

oh well

Posted by dcbl
Good guys wear white hats.
Member since Sep 2013
29895 posts
Posted on 10/24/16 at 4:57 am to

The only people harping on the Bush lies about WMD's bullshite is the Liberal MSM and the anti-Republican Establishment trying to push a propaganda agenda to sway voters.

and candy arse morons like Cobb Dawg

we have reason to believe that the WMD were moved out and hidden in the anticipation that inspections were going to be allowed

also, we DID find that they had the infrastructure still in place to manufacture more WMD

the notion that Bush "lied" is not only ridiculous, but it is a hateful lie in and of itself

it is worth pointing out that Trump is correct about how stupid we are militarily in that we publicize what we are going to do before we do it

we'd do better by using the element of surprise
Posted by dcbl
Good guys wear white hats.
Member since Sep 2013
29895 posts
Posted on 10/24/16 at 5:04 am to
100% spot on accurate

this point is really not worth arguing anymore

so thank you for this post

pisses me off when people g into the "we knew Iraq did not have WMDs" shtick

especially when it is self proclaimed "republicans" or "conservatives"

I just have to shake my head and wonder if those people are lying or if they are just stupid...
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