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re: OT - President Trump gets new attorney for case in Fulton County

Posted on 8/25/23 at 11:57 am to
Posted by h0bnail
Member since Sep 2009
7560 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 11:57 am to

did you cry at the restroom selection and despairing gay pride selection at your local cvs store you work at?

I'm neither gay nor a liberal, but feel free to continue your display of ignorance. Good luck with furthering your grasp of the English language.
Posted by lambertdawg
South Forsyth County
Member since Sep 2012
924 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 12:04 pm to
If you recount the same boats, you’re going to get the same result, his point, and many others point is that they were many votes cast that were illegal. Almost all court cases were thrown out because of “standing“. Unfortunately, courts did not want to get involved so nothing was really investigated. Just because you buy what the media is telling you does it mean that’s the truth?
Posted by dawgfan24348
Member since Oct 2011
49781 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 12:08 pm to

many others point is that they were many votes cast that were illegal.

Again that was never proven, all you’re doing is spewing baseless conspiracies

Almost all court cases were thrown out because of “standing“.

Because when asked to present evidence they couldn’t do it

Unfortunately, courts did not want to get involved so nothing was really investigated.

They got involved, the courts called Trump’s bluff and his team folded

Just because you buy what the media is telling you does it mean that’s the truth?

I don’t watch CNN or MSNBC or whatever news channel you can think of. You lack total self awareness by calling me a sheep. If the audits didn’t prove anything, if the court cases didn’t prove anything, if Trump’s own AG says there’s zero evidence, and the only people saying it was stolen are Trump and his crew, then maybe just maybe the election wasn’t stolen.
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 1:48 pm to
It’s stunning how nearly everyone on the Left, and really anyone with this irrational galactic level of seething disdain for Trump (and apparently ANYONE who releases a single drop of disagreement with the Establishment or Left ideals in general), is effectively admitting that they believe our Government, it’s politicians, it’s bureaucracy chiefs, our Intelligence apparatus, the fricking War Machine, their shill AF MEDIA, and all their uber-wealthy elitist corporate donors, and essentially all the insanely narcissistic and truly evil Globalist Collectivists… are somehow the trustworthy good guys.

Or at the very least, they believe all those people, their policies, their actions, and their intentions, are better than Trump. Which is just frickin insane.

To believe they aren’t perpetually doing every corrupt illegal dirty evil damn thing possible to keep their power, wealth, and control, and gain as much more of all of it as they possibly can, and to truly believe they even care about us one smidgen, much less have our best interests in mind on a single thing they do, or to believe they aren’t doing everything in their power to brainwash us into division and hatred of one another because this is the mechanism that allows them to manipulate and exploit everything… you have to be the most mentally weak beta idiot in existence.


Or he’ll say stop sending money to Ukraine and let’s fix our VA and homeless problem, and these idiots will STILL insist that he’s the worst human alive, and indirectly admit they believe spending billions on a proxy war, that is nothing more than a massive money-grab that’s flaunting in astronomical levels of corruption, is better than helping hundreds of thousands of homeless in our own country.

These people went fricking bonkers at the thought of spending $15-$20 billion on a wall, but not only have zero care about sending 7-8x that to Ukraine, and for what, they don’t even know, but they also are super pissed that border states who are flooded and overwhelmed with MILLIONS of illegal migrants are causing mass havoc in certain blue cities with just sending a few thousand of these migrants their way.

It’s fricking hilarious watching these people make things that are so wrong sound and feel right to them.

Some of you folks here are so insane and brain-fricked that you’re nothing more than a tool for those who mean to rule us. And unfortunately, you’ll never recognize it because they own and have control of every ounce of your critical thought capacity. You’re just stupid and weak-minded, and you’re frickin shite up for the rest of us.
Posted by WG_Dawg
Member since Jun 2004
87281 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 2:08 pm to
I agree with 99% of what you just said. The only thing I will veer off course on, is that I think today's society is so fragile and so coddled and so unbeleivably mentally weak and delicate that feelings and emotions rule over logic, reason, and common sense.

If Obama had 100% of the same ideas and polciies that Trump did people would claim him as the best president that's ever lived. But because Trump is brash, and arrogant, and has no filter, extremely off-putting and off-book in many type of official type settings...that's all people gravitated towards. Ask jsut about any liberal why they absolutley hate trump's guts so much. Very, very few of them will talk abotu his foreign policy or thoughts on jobs, schools, etc. It's "he said he was going to grab a pussy once!", "he made fun of a disabled guy!", "he tweets too much!", "he doens't act presidential!", "he misspelled coffee!", "he's a dick!", etc. All things based on hurt feelings and thoughts of him being a meanie weenie poopoo head.

Imagine voting for the leader of our country based on how often he tweets. The brainwashed liberal youth and the suburban white soccer mom (that doesn't live anywhere near a black person btw) voting for any random vegetable put up against Trump simply becuase "anyone but trump" THAT is the real craziness.
This post was edited on 8/25/23 at 2:11 pm
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 2:18 pm to

I don’t watch CNN or MSNBC or whatever news channel you can think of. You lack total self awareness by calling me a sheep. If the audits didn’t prove anything, if the court cases didn’t prove anything, if Trump’s own AG says there’s zero evidence, and the only people saying it was stolen are Trump and his crew, then maybe just maybe the election wasn’t stolen.
No one really cares where you get your information or who brainwashed your silly arse.

All that matters is you are on the side of the corrupt Establishment that’s been frickin everyone possible to secure their wealth, power, and elite status for as long as any of us has been alive.

It may not be the same exact people over the years, but it’s the same organizations. And they’ve only expanded and gotten bigger.

And somehow, they convinced you that they are righteous and proper, while anyone who opposes them is evil and your enemy.

If it’s not Trump, it’ll be Disantis or Ramaswamy or whomever the frick they tell you is the bad guy.

YOU will be on board with whomever they tell you is the good guy.

You can try to tell us all you like that you’re not on any side, and you don’t get your information from the MSM, or maybe that you actually like some of the things Ramaswamy says. But everyone here knows damn fricking well that when it comes time to pull a lever or defend your beliefs or advocate for anything, your idiot fricking arse is going to align on damn near everything with that organization that convinced you Trump is worse than them.

That’s why you’re a sheep. Nothing more than a useful tool for those that mean to rule us.
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 2:44 pm to

Sounds more like we’re 100% in agreement, actually. LOL

There’s a real psychosis and biological and chemical imbalance issue in this country right now. People are literally broken at the cell level and I firmly believe it’s because of chemicals in our food and air, and I believe some of it has been intentional.

There’s not really any other way to explain how soft, lazy, delicate, weak-minded, emotional, and reactionary in a very bad/adolescent way, we’ve become. These are all biological traits, and indirectly affect and drive brain capacity and one’s critical thinking and overall will/nature.

Logically, those who mean to rule us are much better off and able to accomplish their goals if we are weaker.

And it just astounds me that there are so many people who are always on the side of those who are better off when we’re less capable of keeping them from being corrupt and tyrannical.
This post was edited on 8/25/23 at 2:48 pm
Posted by dawgfan24348
Member since Oct 2011
49781 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 3:19 pm to

All that matters is you are on the side of the corrupt Establishment that’s been frickin everyone possible to secure their wealth, power, and elite status for as long as any of us has been alive.

And there it is, all you see is something black and white. It’s either one side or the other, no grey area. But here’s the thing, politics and especially this case is incredibly nuanced. It’s entirely possible for someone especially one with a lot of money to hijack an anti establishment movement and use it for personal gain. That is what’s happening here. You hate the establishment and so do I, but the difference is, I see through Trump’s bullshite. His policies were not populist remtolely aside from a very few of them. His biggest feats such as the tax cuts were beneficial to mostly the rich and corporations not the average American. He surrounded himself with yes men and establishment politicians. Anytime he was challenged he would throw a fit then use buzzwords and claim he was being attacked to use his own followers as a shield. The man is textbook example of how cult leaders act.
Posted by dawgfan24348
Member since Oct 2011
49781 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 3:30 pm to

Ask jsut about any liberal why they absolutley hate trump's guts so much

Ok let’s talk policy,

His tax cuts added massively to the deficit and majority of those benefits went to the 1% not the average American. We shouldn’t be cutting taxes to the ultra wealthy, Reganomics does not work it’s partly to blame for the massive welfare gap.

His border wall was a joke and was never going to get finished. Regardless actually completing the wall would require him enacting eminent domain and at times relocating Americans.

His foreign policy was pretty bad as well, backing out of the Iran Deal was a poor choice that was based on zero evidence of Iran building nuclear weapons.

Staying on Iran, he assassinated an Iranian general who was fighting ISIS. His claim that oh they were about to attack Americans is as much bullshite as Bush’s WMD lies were.

He did massive weapons deals with the Saudis, a nation that is currently committing genocide in Yemen as we speak.

Speaking of the Saudis let’s talk about that billion dollar meeting Jared Kushner had in a hotel with Saudi officials. That sounds somewhat alarming. Might explain why Trump didn’t seem to give a frick about the Saudis killing an American journalist

He backed anti-BDS laws which are grossly unconstitutional claiming that the government can end a contract if the company or person supports boycotts of Israel.

His foreign policy wasn’t much different from Obama although he didn’t start any new wars which you can say is better although he damn near almost did.

I did like his first step act, the farmers bill, among a few other things. But those are very few and in between. With that being said, the man tried to overthrow a democratic election, he took classified documents, lied about it, then tired to hide them.
Posted by BeefDawg
Member since Sep 2012
4747 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 4:18 pm to

Jesus H Christ, EVERY talking point you just made in that couple posts is MSM Establishment certified.

I mean you’re even conflating “debt” with “deficit” for frick sake.

You don’t know shite about shite.

And the fact remains, life for everyone was 1000% better the couple years before Covid than it is right now and for the foreseeable future as long as the Establishment continues unabated and we don’t have that bull you hate wrecking their China shop.

$100+ billion of our tax dollars going to a proxy war that’s nothing but a sophisticated heist, homeless everywhere in big cities, once great cities like San Francisco becoming uninhabitable, thousands of stores going out of business and tens of thousands losing their jobs because theft is no longer a crime, violence and crime running rampant through cities all over the country, 8%+ interest rates and climbing, $3.50+ gas prices, 5000% increase in people acting like they don’t know their fricking gender, parents getting arrested for speaking out because brain-fricked insane teachers can’t stop talking to children about sexualized topics, drag-queens hosting children’s events, tens of thousands of Ukrainian men dead, and being closer to the possibility of WW3 has never been greater…

You idiot arse contributed to all that, and will continue to enable it because you care more about Orange Man Bad than you do actually stopping all that insane bullshite.

In a world where there are ONLY 2 choices and there is no actual grey area. And those 2 choices are both shitty, but one is by far, FAR, FFFFAAARRR less shitty than what we currently have, you are the one picking the worst.

So please, take your “grey nuances” bullshite and frick off. You suck at life.
Posted by dawgfan24348
Member since Oct 2011
49781 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 4:42 pm to

EVERY talking point you just made in that couple posts is MSM Establishment certified.

No they aren’t, all you’re doing is spewing a bunch of rhetoric without an iota of substance to it

life for everyone was 1000% better the couple years before

Baseless statement, but yes the emergence of Covid threw a wrench into everything in every country on the planet

$100+ billion of our tax dollars going to a proxy war that’s nothing but a sophisticated heist,

We’ve been spending billions on proxy wars long before Ukraine

once great cities like San Francisco becoming uninhabitable,
quite the hyperbole is this

violence and crime running rampant through cities all over the country,

No it isn’t, it’s actually been on the decline. Like everything though Covid fricked shite up.



8%+ interest rates and climbing

Rate is 5.25%



3.50+ gas prices,

Various factors affect gas prices not just one single issue, this is a somewhat deceiving take


5000% increase in people acting like they don’t know their fricking gender,

Another dumb and baseless statement regardless who gives a frick about how a person identifies worry about your own self


parents getting arrested for speaking out because brain-fricked insane teachers can’t stop talking to children about sexualized topics,

Literally fake news


drag-queens hosting children’s events

And your point? Adults dressing up and reading kids books is hardly a bad thing. Just stupid culture war nonsense


tens of thousands of Ukrainian men dead

Didn’t you just get mad over our support in a proxy war?


being closer to the possibility of WW3 has never been greater…

Pretty sure we were closer when Trump assassinated an Iranian general regardless hardly Biden’s fault that Putin invaded a former Soviet bloc


care more about Orange Man Bad

I literally just laid out policy wise why I didn’t like him. But you never cared about that because all you want to hear is praise for Trump and any criticism must be some establishment talking point


You idiot arse contributed to all that,

Inflation started under Trump during the rise of Covid let’s not forget how much money the Trump administration spent

Also speaking of inflation the rate is 3.2% which has been on a mostly steady decline over the past year


This is also considerably lower than most other western nations



ONLY 2 choices and there is no actual grey area.

And thanks for letting me know how very little you actually understand about politics. This is why you shouldn’t get your political takes from talking heads and politicians.
This post was edited on 8/25/23 at 4:43 pm
Posted by SCDawg95
Fayetteville ,NC
Member since Oct 2019
6258 posts
Posted on 8/25/23 at 9:52 pm to

I'm neither gay nor a liberal,

the only ignorance that’s been shown is the complete idiocy that has been spewing through your fingers on a keyboard in this whole thread
Posted by BoogerSykes
Goodyear AZ
Member since Sep 2012
1423 posts
Posted on 8/26/23 at 8:58 pm to

not nearly as bad as others. 

Curious now as to how Trump is not as worst than other scumbag politicians? Only other that comes to mind is Ronald Reagan. Trump is definitely top 1 or 2.

Having people attack our own capital is not a good thing.....ever.
Posted by RealDawg
Member since Nov 2012
9855 posts
Posted on 8/26/23 at 9:49 pm to
Correct. Those Antifa instigators and Feds shouldn’t have attacked the Capital while conservatives walked through with selfie sticks.

Lol at thinking dem donor installed democrat DAs tossing bs charges for media attention and political gain is actual corruption.

But a CURRENT sitting President taking an unchallenged $17 million in bribe money from China, Russia is no biggie.
Posted by RedPants
Member since Jan 2013
5521 posts
Posted on 8/29/23 at 10:40 am to

Belief perseverance

Should be the title of all political threads on this website. I don't know why anyone still bothers arguing.
Posted by Cheese Grits
Wherever I lay my hat is my home
Member since Apr 2012
56512 posts
Posted on 8/31/23 at 9:16 am to

clown show that he surrounds himself with.


Nothing new to see, this has been Trump since he was a kid. Just with age it is getting harder to hide it.

Modern media has gone in the toilet for clickbait hits.
Posted by Cheese Grits
Wherever I lay my hat is my home
Member since Apr 2012
56512 posts
Posted on 8/31/23 at 9:21 am to

I mean the man was partying with the Clintons and Epstein back in the day

Yet the "true believers" still don't see it.

Posted by RocketDawg
Western Carolina
Member since Sep 2009
667 posts
Posted on 8/31/23 at 11:03 am to
What’s sad and blows my mind all at the same time is that people clown around about the shite show that was Trump, but fail to acknowledge the country and the world was better and safer yet somehow act as if the shite going on now is somehow better. The MFer up there now ain’t even running the show and is starting to pout about being corrected. He’s even admitted many times that he was gonna get in trouble. Trouble with who? fricker has so many word salads the only people that can understand him is the folks down on skid row smoking that crack. And if you believe the country and the world is safer and better off financially you’re a DAMN IDIOT!

See the problem is too many of y’all are as loyal to your political party as you used to be to your religion and now you just care about winning elections even if it means sacrificing your beliefs.

On the current platform of the Democratic Party without all of the media influence and running smoke screens for them they should never win another election period.

If you look at the complete dumbasses they’ve got in office the party should be banned from ever participating. Morons like Pelosi, Shummer, Biden, Feinstein, Schiff the minority leader Jeffries that is on camera saying he was worried an island would tip over. Then you got the queen idiot Harris that even the Democrats liked so little that they sent her packing first in the last primary.

Pull your heads out of your arses and vote with some common sense realizing party loyalty means shite if all you can do is sit home and eat peanut butter samich’s while hoping world war 3 doesn’t kick off. They said Trump would start it, yet it is now, that we are closer than ever to it.
Posted by RocketDawg
Western Carolina
Member since Sep 2009
667 posts
Posted on 8/31/23 at 11:04 am to
These topics shouldn’t be allowed on the sports side! Period!
Posted by Cheese Grits
Wherever I lay my hat is my home
Member since Apr 2012
56512 posts
Posted on 8/31/23 at 11:25 am to

What’s sad and blows my mind all at the same time is that people clown around about the shite show that was Trump, but fail to acknowledge the country and the world was better and safer yet somehow act as if the shite going on now is somehow better.

Look I know this is a site full of bots, trolls, and folks who think a woman's breast feels like sand but this is true.

I am old and have seen a whole lot of history with my own eyes.

One side of my family came through Ellis Island in the 1800's and settled in a neighborhood full of Italians and European Jews (Russia, Poland and such)

The only family not fitting that description was Trump's daddy and it was no accident

While never in the media (and some being in jail or dead now) folks from the old neighborhood can tell you the history that never gets into the media

Trump is not a Republican or a Democrat but the media would rather pick that fight and sell all of us so FOX and MSNBC can make the most money
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