Shomari Stone of Fox 5 DC reported on Tuesday that the city of New Orleans, not the NFL, has made their decision on guns in the Super Bowl' security zone...
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Tigrdynasty4 days
How would they enforce that anyway? Metal detectors? Frisk everyone walking into the "enhanced security zone"? Would be a cluster frick
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bapple4 days
What exactly makes this area of the city any different from anywhere else in public life? The exact same thing is true for any other government-sanctioned gun-free zone. Let free people be free and let morons make their own mistakes and be penalized for them.
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Cleary Rebels5 days
Gun free zones are safe - LOL
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So I can bring my cooler as long as my guns in it, Done.
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SwampGar5 days
Lets see a philly fan snatch a Saints fan's hat off his head.
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Timeoday5 days
Oh, hell yes. It is about time they recognized an armed society is a safe society.
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CR40905 days
State laws
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Rantrambler5 days
Will be a deterrent for any potential mass shooters.
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It's our American rights to be armed
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WeeWee5 days
I would want to be armed if I am around a bunch of drunk Eagles' fans.
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