With a new NIL system comes new NIL problems...

Six former Florida State basketball players filed a lawsuit Monday against their former coach, Leonard Hamilton, over unpaid promises of NIL compensation that total $1.5 million and acknowledged within the documents that they boycotted a practice last season over the missed payments.

The six plaintiffs — Darin Green Jr., Josh Nickelberry, Primo Spears, Cam’Ron Fletcher, De’Ante Green and Jalen Warley — allege that Hamilton promised each of them $250,000 in NIL payments from the coach’s “business partners.”

The players never received the payments despite Hamilton promising the money to each member of the 2023-24 team in two separate team meetings as well as in individual conversations with some players and their families. Several players transferred to Florida State under the assurance that they would receive the money.

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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: NCAA Basketball
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CDawson1 month
I remember when players loved the schools they played for and just wanted to win. I miss those days.
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cajunmud1 month's just a job now. Gonna have to build in monetary incentives for players to give that extra bit to win nowadays.

Welcome to the real world kids.
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Black n Gold1 month
Kind of hoping they win. Will prevent coaches from purging players from other programs based on promises alone.
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SouthlakeTiger1 month
Here we will be tax issues on players.
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ChatGPT of LA1 month
Planned basically. This will have the way for representing players....aka AGENTS
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POTUS20241 month
Coaches don't do NIL and don't have that authority, as I understand it, so I don't see how this goes anywhere.
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SEC Doctor1 month
Coaches make NIL promises all the time in recruiting.
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rbtgoodson1 month
Unless it's in writing, that means diddly-squat. They have no case.
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