The feud between Shaquille O'Neal and Dwight Howard looks to be back on...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: NBA
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DeafVallyBatnR1 month
SHAQ as do a lot of guys have insinuated that Dwight is light in his loafers. These are my words not theirs.
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LSUbacchus811 month
It’s ‘too’ Dwight
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Albino Potato1 month
I love Shaq but he’s super sensitive. All you gotta do is watch anytime someone questions if he could’ve taken care of his body or if someone now a days is just as good. He freaks out and yells “I got 4 rings!” I’m not saying he doesn’t have a point but goodness he can’t take any criticism. Dwight Howard wasn’t as good as Shaq but dude was pretty damn good for only being 6’9”-10. Don’t believe dwight being 7ft. All you gotta do is google him next to Lebron.
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biglego1 month
I’m Team Shaq naturally, but Howard sounds like a chill guy in the interview clip. Sounds better speaking than in his tweets.
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I'd pay to see Shaq knock the stupid out of this idiot.
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Shaq4prez1 month
"cuz yo" and "you to big"..........ok Dwight, you lose
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Ziggy1 month
Dwight Howard is a douche.
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Turnblad851 month
I thought dwight howard died from an overdose?
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dagrippa1 month
Shaq is paid to talk and joke around. I don't know what was said but Shaq talks about a lot of shite and people love it. Who gives a frick about Dwight Howard?
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Team Shaq here!
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