Patrick Schwarzenegger, son of Arnold Schwarzenegger, is set to play Heisman trophy winner Tim Tebow in upcoming TV series about former NFL TE Aaron Hernandez...

Filed Under: Florida Sports
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cajunmud1 month
Hmmm...didn't know Arnold had a legit kid.
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holmesbr1 month
How many folks saw the inside of the police station in Tebows recruiting class? 3 or 4? Cam Newton was in that class and booted from the team for theft I believe. Not to say stuff like that doesn't happen other places.
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Shankapotamous1 month
Cam was in the class the year after Tebow's.
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Revorising1 month
Wow pinching myself to see if this is even real …
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Saunson691 month
Would be more interesting if it was about that entire UF 2008 team than just Hernandez
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6R121 month
I'd rather see Tim play Tim.
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BabyTac1 month
They’ve already made 3 documentaries about this thug. Is it really that captivating we need more? I’d rather see a movie about Tim Tebow honestly.
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Tshiz1 month
Who gives a shite. Why are we making shows about AH is the real question
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TooFyeToFly1 month
Will be interesting to see how he recreates Tebow's gay lisp.
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LSUbacchus811 month
I'd be willing to bet you are more of a phag.
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Crimson1st1 month
Why, does it turn you on?
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dstone121 month
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dstone121 month
No one should play Gator. Gator don’t play.
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