Florida will be rocking these this afternoon...
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Filed Under: Florida Sports
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comalking93 months
swamp trash plus trailer trash equals gator trash
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dred2493 months
Too bad they still suck.
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TWT93 months
Florida's low/no class coach got what he deserved. A good old fashion arse whooping. Thanks Bama!
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Azkiger93 months
Agreed, considering what I've seen from their program over the last 5-7 years they're the only team I'll pull for Alabama to win against.
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kjntgr93 months
Did Florida get what they deserved? Wow haven't head that one yet you unoriginal bastard
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UF93 months
Why do UF's players think they're at Clemson? Mac needs to fix this.
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parrothead93 months
Not a good look.
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knuckleballer93 months
Skull-drug-during-combat edition
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Didn't help much, did they?
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Slipperytiger93 months
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BCMCubs93 months
The full orange is gross
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BCMCubs93 months
The full orange is gross
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UFMatt93 months
UFs uniforms are orange, ut has the dreamcicle colored ones.
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tigerfootball1093 months
Orange dreamcicle Uni's are the worst. Made our loss even harder to watch
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