Shortly after it was announced on Friday that Auburn's athletic director Allen Greene is out, former Duke athletic director Kevin White chimed in, issuing a statement on Auburn's "utterly shameful" decision...
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Filed Under: Auburn Sports
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tilco24 months
He hired harsin after they touched dicks in a hot tub. He deserves to be let go.
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RxHunter25 months
Sounds like another former Duke AD that we had to suffer with.
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JackieTreehorn25 months
He wanted so badly to say it was racism.
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AubieinNC200925 months
2 issues here: 1) Allen Greene choose to leave early and 2) this is the same dude who hired George O'Leary and gave Charlie Wiess a 10 year contract. Dont think his opinion matters too much.
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tigerinthebueche25 months
Coulda just said “ Auburn fricked up. Dudes a god guy with a nice family.” But he had to babble all that other shite.
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tigerterrace25 months
His son and current UT AD Danny White was Greene's mentor. Greene had his contract not renewed. It was a decision to not retain. Multiple issues with him. He didn't spend money like others wanted especially making cuts on recruiting trips and other ventures. He also overruled a lot of people in hiring Harsin which did not fit the Auburn mold.
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TGK4LSU25 months
I will admit that Auburn may be the only SEC school that's more politically dysfunctional than LSU
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RandySavage25 months
Lost in all the rambling nonsense he was mostly just trying to virtue signal and call Auburn racist.
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dehsloot25 months
wtf did I just read?
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McMahonnequin25 months
Talk about a word salad. How do you say so much yet so little at the same time
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LRB196725 months
There are consequences for hiring the wrong head football coach.
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TigerintheNO25 months
White was good at Tulane, was fired in South Bend
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