Steve Sarkisian will face off against his former boss Nick Saban for the first time as Texas' head coach tomorrow. In an interview this week, Sarkisian was asked to recall the angriest he ever made the Crimson tide head coach...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Hoovertigah24 months
He’s an angry elf.
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bakersman24 months
It’s funny that so many of his former assistants have fond memories of arse chewing.
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tide0624 months
That story is a great example of why Saban wins every year.

Attention to detail and do it until you can’t do it wrong.
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roll to victory24 months
Every year, seem to have forgetten those 2 Clemson titles
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kkv7524 months
Without the Saban Rehab Program, this guy is face down in a Tijuana gutter.
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kjntgr24 months
I was expecting a way better story
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Mr Happy24 months
Has he been drinking, again?
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Nomadic Bengal24 months
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weremoose24 months
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TommyDaTiger24 months
Yes been doing shots all day Friday at the Purple Porpoise. Sark’s feeling nooooo pain
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