John Talty, the author of The Leadership Secrets of Nick Saban: How Alabama’s Coach Became The Greatest Ever, made an appearance on The Andy Staples Show, where he was asked about Saban's pregame movie choices. That's when he revealed the time he allowed his players to watch The Ring before a game. Jump to the 19:30 mark...

(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Nix to Twillie25 months
I can just see him in the locker room pregame: "This game has to mean something to you! This has to mean more than...than Naomi Watts protecting her son from creepy ghost girls! You gotta make them a ghost, men! Make them a ghost!"
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Babewinkelman25 months
I figured it would be Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory. It has lots of Candy and Umpa Loompas.
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BurrowToChase25 months
Another bama article. Yay
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Will Cover25 months
Jerking it to Candy Edwards has paid incredible dividends to Little Nicky.
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