During his debut appearance on ESPN College GameDay this morning, former Alabama coach Nick Saban opened up about his new gig...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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RummelTiger24 days
Funny that he has a job where he's supposed to be impartial, while having an office at, supporting, and getting paid by the school he coached..
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imjustafatkid19 days
If anything, he'll be tougher on Alabama than anyone else.
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Love Coach Saban and what he did for LSU. Always grateful for his contributions here
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LSU Tiger Eyes25 days
Watch for the signature Sabanisms: ‘Aight,’ ‘Opportunity,’ ‘Improve,’ the Shoulder Shrug, the Air Quotation Marks, and Rocking Side to Side. These are his unique gestures and phrases whenever he speaks at any venue.
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soccerfüt24 days
“Look.” as a statement preface as well.
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Dingeaux24 days
The dude cannot talk without moving his hands
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