Believe it or not, Alabama head coach Nick Saban says he has a hard time watching non-Crimson Tide f
© Marvin Gentry-USA TODAY Sports
Believe it or not, Alabama head coach Nick Saban says he has a hard time watching non-Crimson Tide football games. He explained why on his weekly radio appearance...

“I really have a hard time enjoying the game, to be honest with you, when I watch it. All the time that I spend, whether it’s watching a defensive team for our offensive preparation or the other team’s offense for the defense’s preparation. What you’re constantly looking for is what are the issues, what causes problems, what kind of adjustments do you have to make if we were playing against that? That’s all I do.

“I’ve got, like, 200 pages of formations that I go through on Sunday that are matched up with the film, so I write comments on every page about what kind of adjustments do we want to play? … So, when I watch a game on TV, I’m watching and I’m saying, ‘Well, how would we play that play? What would we do if they were in that formation and did that?’ I might as well go back to work. So it’s not really enjoyable, and then I find myself like at the end of the game saying, ‘Why didn’t they call timeout?’ … I’m like managing a game like we’re playing the game. So I’m like, ‘What can we watch on Netflix?’”
(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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theBru27 months
Watching a football for Nick is like the postman taking a walk on his day off.
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Sevensblue27 months
He sounds burned out
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SomeLSUguy27 months
So he is more like us than we thought... Or maybe I should have been a football coach.
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HarveyTunnel27 months
...a bad case of the Mondays.
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Russianblue27 months
"200 pages of formations that I go through on Sunday"

I wonder if Coach O even had 200 pages total in tBinder ?
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TexasTiger8927 months
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DVinBR27 months
he sounds miserable
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NatalbanyTigerFan27 months
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blueboxer111927 months
"I find myself like at the end of the game saying, ‘Why didn’t they call timeout?’ … I’m like managing a game like we’re playing the game."

We all do bro.
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KAGTASTIC27 months
I wonder if he like breaks down plays in football movies he watches on Netflix. Imagine him breaking down plays in The Replacements.
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