Bryce Young turned 21 years old on Monday. So, his Alabama teammates celebrated the Heisman Trophy winner's birthday by throwing him into the cold tub...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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brett40826 months
Pointless to put this in tigerdroppings. The amount of bama crap on here is disturbing.
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DoubleDown26 months
When you're the King, the peasants watch all moves.
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PeleofAnalytics26 months
Websites know their typical visitor's behavior. If they put it on TD, they probably have a lot of data that shows you guys will click on it.
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TexasAg1326 months
This is a liberal's nightmare
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DoubleDown26 months
This was Saban's nightmare. Can you imagine how pissed he'd be if Bryce got injured?!
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ALhunter26 months
Saban probably had an extra Little Debbie after this
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