Four-star cornerback from Kentwood, LA (Kentwood) announced that he will sign with Alabama.

He chose the Crimson Tide over Ole Miss.

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Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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Mrs. Amaro107 months
LSU gets 9 of the top 10 best players in the state and this is the freaking headline? frick that kid.
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SmackDaniels107 months
Why is this a headline? "Alabama lands Four-Star Athlete from Louisiana" Did this seriously need its own headline or is this a troll attempt?
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Roaad108 months
Bumped to a 5-Star while his fax was being transmitted.
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Restomod108 months
Sweet, you should buy it from the pawn shop...
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Riseupfromtherubble108 months
Tony Brown has a ring.
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Restomod108 months
I'm he'll do just fine like Tony Brown.
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Riseupfromtherubble108 months
Best prospect in Louisiana. He'll be a first round pick
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lsuson108 months
Looks like he's at a funeral lol
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