Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:North Alabama
Number of Posts:4052
Registered on:9/10/2012
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this is why the value of college sucks and gets worse every year. ...
good for Rory!! Maybe he has morals and believes what the PGA actually said about blood money, unlike dems on this board. ...
maybe.... now hear me out here... maybe, just maybe.... he's not worried because the police and the DA have said he didn't do anything....

re: Is Nate Oats the problem?

Posted by bogeypro on 3/2/23 at 12:53 am
Regular season titles... I stand by what I said ABOUT LAST YEAR'S TEAM. I know you're so proud of yourself, but it's actually really sad that you let me live rent free in your head. I'm actually flattered. I'm very proud of this team this year. I'll be even happier when we win in Na...
[quote]I'm glad the university hasn't caved to an angry mob. Cancel culture has no place in society. The guy hasn't been charged with anything because there is nothing there according to DA and he is a fully cooperating witness. Again, why are we punishing someone that is innocent? Because a mob say...

re: The pat down is a TOP down issue

Posted by bogeypro on 2/28/23 at 9:20 am
[quote]Jjdoc[/quote] This is how cancel culture works... ...
Maybe we just don't believe in the Salem witch trial approach... ...
[quote]Someone sure is. Like I said at the beginning, you just don't like the answer.[/quote] Unfortunately, this is the world we live it. Public opinion doesn't like it, so they scream until they get their way. They don't care that we have rules of law to follow. They just want their way. ...
But like... How? What didn't happen? The police questioned him... He turned over his phone records, etc... ...
You can't be serious...
Lots of opinions, but I'm not hearing what anyone actually wants to happen to Miller. Please use actual facts from the case to make your claim. ...
Why do you keep responding? You realize that's the opposite of not giving attention......
You're the view #1 fan... Aren't you? Admit it, you love Behar....
[quote]I’m gonna keep bumping this because OP is a moron and obviously wanted attention[/quote] So you're going to keep bumping it to not give more attention? ...
Bunch of Karens in here. 24/7 miller this and miller that... Damn folks, Y'all sound like those women on the view. Bunch of can't culture idiots. He's not being charged with anything so let's get back to basketball and talking shite about Aggies. ...
[quote]Knows the game but low character. Is that fair or a bit of an exaggeration?[/quote] How about you provide your opinion and use examples. I'll hang up and listen... ...