Favorite team:Alabama 
Biography:UA Grad x2, raised in Tuscaloosa during the golden age of football
Interests:Football, music, horseracing, friends
Occupation:Rehab Professional
Number of Posts:102
Registered on:12/14/2010
Online Status:Not Online

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re: Its The Beginning Of The End Bama

Posted by pete4tide on 1/26/18 at 4:58 pm
Troll thread is very troll.
I would say they once were, but not so much any more. Or, no more lax than they are with any student. But, there's a LOT of weed on that campus, so they practically have to see you use to make a deal of it. It's when you do something else stupid that it gets brought up. Like in the UGA case. I know
Likely because 90% probably have a little weed residue in their vehicle - not a hard bet to make with those odds.
Crap, man - I was lurking and your dumb arse made me sign in just to respond to you.
I grew up there - the TPD used to cover up the freaking coach's drinking problems 20 years ago (not Bear - he could do anything). The Tuscaloosa media LOVES an arrest of a Bama player - it gets so many clicks. There
Dude - do you even football? RF was a freakin' guided missile last year in quality snaps. He was hell on Special Teams the two years before that. He would have beaten out two-thirds of Auburn's defensive starters from his freshman year on. You have delusions about the Barn's defensive quality the pa

re: Rode past legion field today

Posted by pete4tide on 11/20/16 at 7:29 pm
It was and is a shithole that too many people don't remember enough about. You could never be sure that your transportation would be where you parked it after a game, and there were no decent places to eat/drink anywhere near the stadium. The upper deck swayed in the wind, the bathrooms and dressing

Over/under on C Bateman interceptions

Posted by pete4tide on 7/17/16 at 5:42 pm
What's the SECr opinion on Cooper Bateman interceptions this season if he starts for Bama? I'm thinking somewhere in the 7 - 9 range, if he can keep the starting job longer than one game. Dude does not have accuracy past 20 yards.
Now you just sound like a sore loser, Grandad. Anyone who has actually seen more than the headline and the DA's remarks on Fox understands that the DA was protecting his own office by not prosecuting. The search was not legal, the stolen gun was not stolen by anyone in the vehicle (or none of the fo
One thing to make that your opinion on a message board. Entirely another to prove it according to the law in a courtroom.
OK - I accept your scenario.
What's the arrangement at each school? Does he get the same contractual agreement? Does he get full control of facilities, personnel, schedules, media appearances, boosters, etc., that Saban has at Bama? Because you can't measure the significance of the blank check he w

aTm's Stansbury to Western Kentucky

Posted by pete4tide on 3/27/16 at 1:46 pm
per Rick Rothstein at @CBSSpots

Link to follow
That's because he suceeded in carrying the team on his back. He is also a junior while LF7 is a sophomore. Henry needed a season like this to bolster his NFL prospects. Saban knew that, and showed him off. Also - once Drake started having issues getting yards, who was there to take the secondary car
So they should pray that Bama coughs up the ball 5 times? Cause otherwise, they are fricked.

re: Muschamp resigns from Auburn

Posted by pete4tide on 12/4/15 at 4:23 pm
Ifs and buts.....

Didn't happen in UF - how's it going to happen in USCe?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cheers:

re: Muschamp resigns from Auburn

Posted by pete4tide on 12/4/15 at 4:06 pm
Boom: Gus, you're gonna have to slow down that f****ing offense if I'm gonna coach the defense.
Gus: You see where that got us this year, right?
Boom: I'm f****ing gone!

Gus: Gotta find me a DC that doesn't care about the defense!
Twice. 1982 and 1991. My sister twice as well. And my grandmother, at 106 years old, is the oldest living graduate of UA.