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Occupation:Financial Analyst
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Registered on:6/19/2022
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Not at all. Didn’t really deal with sexual attraction either way. Had more to do with friendships and the pressures of fitting in along with the changes brought on by puberty. Also highlighted the relatable pressure of making the sports team that even as an adult I remember all too well from teenage...
I thought Haelena’s reaction was strange too but she has never been all there mentally and she seemed to be in a complete state of shock. Like her mind couldn’t comprehend what was happening but her fight or flight told her to grab her daughter and run....
I think a missed opportunity would be to have Sunfyre (Aegon's dragon) at the coronation. Not only would we get to see a beautiful dragon but it would be a show of power to the people who witness his coronation. It would also give a plausible reason why Rhaenys doesn't kill them, because another...
I find Team Green more sympathetic. Alicient was a child bride groomed by her father to marry a weak old king who just wanted to use her as a broodmare. She gives him the sons he's always been obsessed with and then he ignores them completely in favor of his spoiled adult daughter and her ille...
Team Green as well but I don't see a reason why we can't have civilized discussions about the show....
Always Sunny is one of my comfort shows. At its peak nearly every episode is rewatchable. It hits its stride starting in season 3 when Danny Devito becomes a regular cast member. In my opinion season 5-11 are the peak, with season 7 being my personal favorite. After that you'll still have soli...

re: Letterkenny or shoresy

Posted by QC Reb on 5/31/24 at 5:40 pm
Shoresy is incredible. I feel like to fully understand and appreciate its humor though you should at least watch the first 5 or 6 seasons of Letterkenny. It sounds like a lot but it goes by fast....

re: Requiem for a Dream

Posted by QC Reb on 5/26/24 at 8:01 pm
I think the scene that haunts me the most is at the end when Sara’s two friends visit her in the mental hospital. Seeing how different she looks and then the cut to them weeping in each others arms outside. It isn’t the most disturbing but it was just so profoundly sad in an already dreary movie. As...

re: How good is The Other Guys?

Posted by QC Reb on 4/29/24 at 3:03 pm
Get back, Columbian drug lords!...
Because by law the King's eldest son is next in the line of succession. By trying to pass the throne to his daughter instead he was denying his son his birthright and Aegon would have been justified in rebelling against his father. A real-life example happened to Henry II when he tried to take l...
I'm also Team Green. Kings don't get to choose their successors it never worked that way in real life or in the lore of ASOIAF....
Do any of y’all have someone you could see playing Dunk? I think this will be difficult to cast. You obviously need someone with enough acting chops to be the costar of the series. He also has to be large and imposing, but if memory serves Dunk was only a teenager at the time the story began and sti...
West Charlotte's student body is almost entirely black and Hispanic....

re: 1st amendment auditors

Posted by QC Reb on 2/22/24 at 1:46 pm
So called 1st amendment auditors don't care about people's freedom. They are just trying to cause confrontations so they have interesting content for their pages. Notice if they walk into a post office to film and no one cares, they will stand there for a while and then decide to take it up a no...
If you are asking because you have a daughter going to Ole Miss I would encourage her to go into rush with an open mind and stay off of websites like Greekrank if that is still around. When I went to Ole Miss the sorority girls would spend their time on that website pretending to give unbiased ranki...
You have to keep in mind Oliver is an unreliable narrator and a pathological liar. He may think of himself as this devious mastermind and replay it in his head that he engineered everything. It is also possible that he is just a weasel who lucked into the situation. Felix and Venetia's relationsh...
Well he said he spoke to his mom when she called Oliver’s phone. We don’t know how that conversation went. It may have aroused his suspicion if she seemed like a normal concerned mom and not the monster Oliver made her out to be....
Felix mentions to Oliver that his previous friend that he brought to Saltburn hooked up with his sister and it made things awkward. What's funny to me is that this is where Felix draws the line. Like they are all naked together taking acid and frolicking through the fields. But if you kiss her th...
The Vader sequence at the end was awesome. That is what I remember most about the movie....
I like that he is more offended by Chad’s stolen valor than the incest....