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The true takeaway is that the defensive coaching staff absolutely sabotaged a national title run last year.
How did it take this far into the thread for someone to say this? Holy smokes how could one not see the differences between WSH and CIN?
Great point. Need experienced guys too. Every year we lose 5-10 defensive back ups who would be seeing playing time in their 3rd or 4th years that we just can’t keep around for whatever reason. It’s a killer. If you look at these playoff teams, they have a ton of experience, and we can’t keep more t

re: This is why Sark is just an OC

Posted by Tzanghi on 1/11/25 at 7:37 am
He made pretty much one bad offensive play call all game, and it’s not because he’s more of a HC than OC. He just made a stupid call. It’s not a monumental alteration of who he is. He’s made the final 4 for two years straight.
Respectfully disagree with this. Texas’s D line was disrupting the OSU run and pass blocking making it hard to move the ball. Texas’s offense left a lot to be desired, sure. But if they stop that boneheaded 75 yard screen and Howard loses that ball he fumbled on a sack, Texas could’ve been up headin
All true facts. I just don’t think ND is better. I don’t have any issue with them being in this game. They earned it. But they are not in my top 2.
No but they did face off in the Rose Bowl. Oregon would beat Notre Dame 7-8 times out of 10.
College football fans do nothing if not grossly overreact to a single piece of data. It took Two games for Ryan Day to go from being fired to having the best team in college football. The SEC misses two championships and people are ready to anoint the big 10 and say that the SEC has been overrated f
Agree 100%. We’ve recruited highly to decent rated DBs for 3 years now with essentially nothing to show for it. I can’t understand how that happened.
Imagine being so obsessed with your ex-coach leaving that you can't enjoy the new coach taking the team to greater heights...

re: The tOSU Problem

Posted by Tzanghi on 1/2/25 at 8:11 am
True, but these are some big ifs. This same roster lost to Michigan about a month ago. His rosters at OSU have always been supremely talented; this one is now more experienced and gelled than most, but it's all about maintaining whatever is motivating them. Remember Fields & Co. came out like gan
The only thing Nuss did poorly was turn the ball over and take sacks. If he cleans those up significantly, he’ll be a Heisman contender.
Neither is Michael Van Buren but that doesn’t make him a better WR lol
Ideally, yes, you want varying skill sets, but you don’t play height for the sake of playing height. The goal is productivity, not capability.
Height for WR is like arm strength for QBs. Raises the ceiling but that’s it. And Hilton is listed at 6’0” although I’m sure you’d say that’s inaccurate.
Not saying he’s a better traditional WR but he played better than Lacy this year. Lacy had bad hands which is the worst characteristic of a WR imo. The Deebo comparison proves my point. Deebo is not a better traditional WR than, for instance, Devontae Smith. But Deebo is better than Smith and more p
Criminal to me how underrated Zavion Thomas is. Dude was better than Lacy this year. Probably had the best hands on the team at WR and exceptional open field capabilities. I’m starting Hilton, Anderson, and Thomas next year if it’s up to me. Get Thomas 5-10 touches in space per game and watch what h
I’m so confused. I see more threads about LSU started by Bama fans today than vice versa?
The 2020 season counts, it’s just that your 2020 team is indisputably worse than our 2019 team. No *reasonable* person could argue otherwise. But as they say, don’t let facts get in the way…