Favorite team:Tennessee 
Location:Williamson County, TN
Biography:Male, middle class and white
Interests:Saving money so I can get a Honda Civic
Occupation:Middle class office job
Number of Posts:1961
Registered on:3/23/2020
Online Status:Not Online

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This dude tryna be the next Ken M...
I swept through the replies. They've already doxxed the girl in the white t-shirt....
Built like a rock? He looks like a plate of nachos...
Props to Coach O for not being a stereotypical fat, old football coach. Dude is hefty but in pretty decent shape for 59...
God is Cajun, bro. God is Cajun....

re: Alabama basketball fans

Posted by scionofadrunk on 7/27/20 at 12:18 pm
[quote]Alabama basketball fans [/quote] 404 Not Found...
When Pruitt hangs three in a row on them by '21, they'll can him. Muschamp's impressive streak against VOLS was his only desirable trait...
This is seriously the worst preseason conjecture I've seen, god damn...
Hell, last year was pretty wild. Started out 1-4 with losses to Georgia State and BYU. Finished 8-5 on a 6 game win streak. I'd also nominate 1989 (I wasn't alive, though). They went 11-1 that year following that disaster of a season in 1988 where they started 0-6. ...

re: What's up with pokey tiger?

Posted by scionofadrunk on 7/26/20 at 11:04 pm
His account is just terrible. I feel sorry for whoever has that much time on their hands to type out those long arse threads for such poor troll attempts. This, ladies and gents, is how you troll a board. Granted, I got canned for this post: [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/display.aspx?...
Good ole Lou Sabah needs to eat his grits and taters, take a good shite and retire comfortably rather than spend his elder years dealing w you cretins...
Y'all already know who I'm putting in King Neyland's Den [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B6a3OpnIcAEQgQl.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5lwV9e0.jpg[/img] [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/PWdauqLRtYpD4ZRztBUzklPyRx0=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/f...
[quote]I'm sure you're as pure as the wind driven snow and never wish bad things upon people you disagree with. [/quote] Not death or serious injury....
[quote]Take your martyr horse shite and shove it up your arse[/quote] Easy there, Paw Paw. Ain't it a little too late to be riled up? Finish your Cream of Wheat and it's lights out....
[quote]Did they get any of the protestors? Here's hoping...... [/quote] So typical of this board to wish injury on those they don't agree with for expressing 1st Amendment rights....
This video was recorded more than 5 years ago. The interviewee describes how difficult it is for a felon to try to get back on his feet. If you make one mistake, such as a drug possession, your life is virtually fricked. [link=(https://youtu.be/RfU8TUZRtZg)]Youtube Link from 2015[/link]...