Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports
According to multiple reports, Texas A&M is set to hire UCLA offensive coordinator Noel Mazzone to replace Jake Spavital, who the university parted ways with earlier this week. Per

Mazzone has been the offensive coordinator with the Bruins for the last four years, and was in the same position at Arizona State for two years prior to that. Under Mazzone, UCLA's offense ranked 45th, 36th, 20th and 31st in the nation in scoring offense.
While the deal is not officially done yet, Mazzone is reportedly in College Station working out the details.

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Filed Under: Texas A&M Sports
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19104 months
Boy that hire is...hmmmm. Probably good, since my maw-maw would've been an improvement.
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CCTider104 months
He ain't Leo.
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BobABooey104 months
Did AnM also find it's tittle, too?
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BayouTiga104 months
Bruins leftovers.........How did the last OC work out for you guys!!! NOT a question dummy.
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