Over the weekend, CBS Sports’ college football analyst Brian Jones gave his end of the season predictions, which was a little surprising compared to most others' picks. Jones has Tennessee, Florida, Michigan and Stanford in his College Football Playoff, with the Vols beating the Seminoles for the National Title...
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Filed Under: Tennessee Sports
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Cracker97 months
First if no one in the west beats bama tenn sure as hell will not beat them twice in one season
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Doug Masters97 months
Purple drank
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TigahTeeth97 months
Either he's drunk, high, dumb, or all of the above.
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hogminer97 months
I'm just reading Larry Leo's write-up. "Jones has Tennessee, Florida, Michigan and Stanford in his College Football Playoff"
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caliegeaux97 months
I'd guess he meant Florida st in he final 4 since he has tenn beating fsu for the national championship.
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hogminer97 months
He has 2 east teams in his final 4? He's no scientific rocket.
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atltiger648797 months
huh?? FSU, Stanford, Tennessee, Michigan????
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atltiger648797 months
"He's no scientific rocket." Now THAT'S funny!!
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