Alabama fans celebrate outside Waffle House following Oregon and Kansas State losses...

Filed Under: SEC Sports
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sheek143 months
gumps will be gumps
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stout143 months
I bet if someone did a study on domestic abuse and pregnancy in Bama it probably directly correlates with the football teams wins and losses.
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CapitalCityTiger143 months
What the frick did Bama fans do when their team sucked and lost to Auburn every year? I guess they just slept and cooked meth all day.
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JazzyJeff143 months
I do like football, but thank God my life, self worth, doesn't revolve around it.
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CHSvideoman143 months
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Kong143 months
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Bama98143 months
I'll take a National Title scattered, covered, smothered, and chunked any way I can.
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outlawjoseywales143 months
did Stanford fans have the same reaction??
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Skidaddy143 months
My God......Their acting like they just WON the BCSNC. That is pathetic.
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stonedbegonias143 months
I can't fault them for being excited, this is what they live for.
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otowntiger143 months
they really should be embarrassed celebrating like that because they backed (or have been given the opportunity) to back into the BCS title game. Still got two games to win before that happens.
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otowntiger143 months
they really should be embarrassed celebrating like that because they backed (or have been given the opportunity) to back into the BCS title game.
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