Chris Denson, a 6-foot-2 guard on the Auburn Tigers, rose up and dunked one lefty on Tennessee Tech’s 6-foot-6 Matt Marseille.

Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Snakebucket146 months
I guess this is what passes for thrilling on the plains these days.

War Mediocrity!
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LSU82BILL146 months
The defender mis-timed his jump and got posterized. Big F'n Deal.
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Tiger n Miami AU83146 months
Haha. Suck it haters. Bow down.
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Kong146 months
Really, nothing special but then it is Auburn Basketball and I guess thats amazing to them.
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Kong146 months
Really, nothing special but then it is Auburn
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15sammy34146 months
Auburn basketball>LSU basketball
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Blah Blah Blah Dude146 months
The crowd went crazy afterwards... All 17 of them.

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LSUAce007146 months
Me too.
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TigerFred146 months
Pfft I only clicked the link because I thought it said Drunk of the year.
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Thracken13146 months
not too shabby
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