Butch Dill-USA TODAY Sports
SEC Commissioner Greg Sankey opened up the SEC Media Days on Monday and ended his speech by revealing the SEC's new slogan for 2016 which is "It just means more."

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BobABooey98 months
In 4 years, they can call this MD2020.
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roguetiger1598 months
unofficial slogan for the sec - "roll tide"
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Jon Ham98 months
Slogans are for fabric softeners and cereals. This is stupid.
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randomways98 months
They're good for promotional materials too, and "the SEC" is a product that benefits from promotion.
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CockInYourEar98 months
This is going to rustle the shite out of the Big10. Harbrough gonna be mad. lol
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Cobb Dawg98 months
I have a nomination: "WTF is a Rocky Top?"
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sunseeker98 months
Nice. Very true as well.
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