According to the The Clarion-Ledger, Ole Miss's leading scorer Dundrecous Nelson and freshman Jamal Jones were dismissed from the team after a run-in with police early Wednesday morning, when they were caught in Nelson’s apartment with marijuana, – which cited an Oxford Police Department incident report. How'd they know where to go? Well, the cops followed signs of the munchies...

The report said that an officer smelled weed coming from the apartment and knocked on the door, but no one responded. As he was leaving, he saw a pizza delivery man from Domino’s and learned that he was headed to Nelson’s apartment.

According to the newspaper, Nelson tried to grab the pizza and quickly duck back inside but was caught by the officer, who then discovered eight roaches on the premises. Nelson was arrested, and three others – Jones and two females – reportedly were released after admitting they all were high.
Seriously, these guys should know when you're puffin' this late at night - it's not delivery, it's Digiorno.
Filed Under: SEC Sports
user avatar
Calling the Police Officer Stupid is Stupid. He did his job idiot.
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cwil177157 months
Poor kids getting dragged through the mud for a victimless crime. Really sucks.
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Swamp Angel157 months
I'm with Pankins on this one. Eight roaches? It sounds to me like they're leaving old pizza boxes with crumbs laying around on the floor and attracting vermin. Maybe they need to call an exterminator. And while this is nasty, I never thought it was an offense that warranted an arrest!
; )
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Pankins157 months
Eight roaches? That place sounds filthy.
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Meaux Bettah157 months
slow night for stupid cop.
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UKWildcatsFAN157 months
Seriously, these guys should know when you're puffin' this late at night - it's not delivery, it's Digiorno.

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TheCaterpillar157 months
here here here
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jeffturnright157 months
here here
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stonedbegonias157 months
At least they weren't drinking and driving, one day this country will wise up.
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