Defensive tackle Lavon Hooks, the No. 15 prospect in the ESPN Junior College 100, committed to Ole Miss on Thursday over offers from several top programs, including Auburn, Mississippi State, Nebraska and Washington.

"I decided on Ole Miss," Hooks said. "I signed and faxed it in at 9:36 last night."

Filed Under: SEC Sports
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TigerDice146 months
Why does he think anyone is interested about SEC football recruits?
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blueridge146 months
after Auburn turned him down.
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PurpleGoldTiger146 months
It has nothing to do with it being "latebreaking." It has more to do with Larry continuously putting stories on the side bar that no one cares about, at all.
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Escobar600146 months
love assholes that bitch on the net about news that isn't latebreaking enough for their needs. nobody forced you to read it shut the frick up.
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bee Rye146 months
giving us the great interesting scoop as always Larry
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LSUFAN227146 months
Who cares
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