Mississippi State has revealed their new uniforms courtesy of Adidas...

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What do you think?
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Kong150 months
Not that bad, looks a hell of a lot better than Nebraska's. Thank God they didn't put a "M" on the front.
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RollTigersRoll150 months
kills me to say it, but i actually think they look pretty cool... miss st did something right for once
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johnnydrama150 months
It could be the lighting, but they look more crimson than maroon in those pictures.
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tigahbait62150 months
Texas A&M lookalike
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UKWildcatsFAN150 months
The first picture looks pink to me. I wish we could go back to the tear away jerseys.
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NastyTiger150 months
Do they have a retarded shoulder stripe like every other 'new' Adidas uni?
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rileytiger150 months
How do the home unis look like Bama? Those pants are gray. To me they don't lo much different then their originals.
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harmonics150 months
Home unis look like Bama'.
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MDTiger 13150 months
Did they want to look like Alabama??
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Covingtiger150 months
I like the helmet
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1cajuncook150 months
They look red.
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crazyLSUfan150 months
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lsutigernosaint150 months
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