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Registered on:2/28/2010
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re: Murder at Wit's Inn

Posted by johnnydrama on 4/8/24 at 8:12 am
Dennis and Sally no longer have it? I haven't been in a while. I loved their pizza, same as Amberjack's....
[link=(https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/38896995/man-arrested-suspicion-manslaughter-adam-johnson-death)]LINK[/link] I think having your neck slit by a skate and dying from it is more gruesome but that's just me....

All Hail Bacchus!

Posted by johnnydrama on 2/10/24 at 12:12 pm
A fantastic choice for King this year; perhaps the finest actor of his generation. [img]https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTg3NTAyMjgxM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDg0NjI4Ng@@._V1_FMjpg_UY720_.jpg[/img]...
Would y'all please GTFOH with the "jap" talk? It has nothing to do with this topic. ...
[quote]You're going to have to supply some form of proof[/quote] Give me a quick, idiot-proof way to post pics from phone and I will....
[quote]You paid actual money for this?[/quote] Nope. Friend on fb posted that he had extra tickets. Might be fun. Certainly different....
[quote]Fans of opposing teams shouldn’t receive premium seating (unless they decide to pay for it) [/quote] The band deserves to be in the lower bowl, always....
[quote]i think they had a rugby team back in the day too.[/quote] They have one today, unless my friend's kid is lying to him....

re: What team wore this helmet?

Posted by johnnydrama on 9/1/23 at 2:51 pm
The A may stand for Academy. That opens up some possibilities....

re: A FedEx screw up and lucky me.

Posted by johnnydrama on 8/28/23 at 11:22 pm
Same exact thing happened to my buddy. He has two Bosch Track saws, too....

re: Sleepless in Seattle - Netflix

Posted by johnnydrama on 8/13/23 at 12:26 pm
A very underrated film. [img]https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.3305ebedd24f075d45848ef6c6aeb9a1?rik=%2bftN88nrfZbZgg&pid=ImgRaw&r=0[/img]...
[quote]Can you imagine how much that video would change if a good Samaritan stepped in, and just got one of the kids in a rear naked choke and held them till cops got there [/quote] I can imagine that Good Samaritan getting the shite kicked out of him and no one helping him....
Auburn's "Cadillac" something. I can't remember his last name but he and Ronnie Brown made a great backfield....

re: Kick Six is almost 10 years old

Posted by johnnydrama on 8/12/23 at 12:32 pm
[quote]Thing I love the most is that regulation had actually ended, but Saban wanted a review because he thought there should have been a second left on the clock[/quote] "Hey,Nick, got a second? I wanna run something past ya!"...

re: Recs on moving to Denver

Posted by johnnydrama on 8/12/23 at 8:54 am
[quote]Is concern about Aurora overblown? Only heard it from one person.[/quote] As a poster upthread said it's like the nicer part of Kenner (a NOLA suburb.) My sister lives up there and she showed me the bad parts of Aurora and, being from New Orleans, they didn't look all that bad to me....
[quote]Are 8th grades a big thing in NOLA? Most BR high schools don’t have them or at least don’t have large ones. [/quote] For Catholic high schools, yes....