Arkansas State has hired Auburn o-coordinator Gus Malzahn, who will return to his home state to coach. Apparently he was willing to take a relatively large pay cut, a source told ESPN, for a chance to be happier and enjoy a new coaching environment. Sounds like life's a little different post Cam juice.
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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tigahbait62153 months
she is a arrogant count
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JTrain153 months
Crazy wives don't help coaching legitimacy, lol
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mallardhank153 months
Seems to be the norm after an all-world quarterback leaves. First Urban post Tebow, now Gus. Now we see Chizik exzposed?
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otowntiger153 months
Wow! How far the mighty have fallen just one year removed from the magical Cam Newton year. Talk about a one hit wonder.
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