Even "Good Morning America" isn't safe from the passion of SEC fans. A grandmother from Alabama was given her moment to say anything on the popular morning show Thursday. So, what did she say?

Filed Under: SEC Sports
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Rbama13130 months
GMA already has bad enough ratings...Stroked out Grand Ma didn't help.
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Kracka130 months
Funny thing is half of the people who watch that crap probably have no idea what that meant let alone the anchors.
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TheLSUriot130 months
I am not watching that video. Only clicked the link to post “WTF is this in the headlines on the main page of TIGERdroppings!” Keep this shite isolated the SECrant.
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Dr. Morgus130 months
get this shite off our headline news feed.
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Old Money130 months
Rawl Tahd!
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