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re: Hanny sums up men’s basketball

Posted by Old Money on 2/6/25 at 12:32 pm

I know its beaten to death on here but I cant believe we canned Will Wade.

And we still vacated football wins :lol:
It’s completely unacceptable to be this bad with the resources LSU has. Scott & Mc are both clowns

re: LSU basketball f ucking sucks

Posted by Old Money on 2/1/25 at 6:54 pm
Scott at the buffet rn. He’ll check the score later and be proud that we lost with class

re: Which New York poster is this?

Posted by Old Money on 2/1/25 at 2:34 pm

typical nyc a-hole. all mouth.

Good. People dont need to beat the shite out of each other on the street. :lol:

Link: Flightaware XAUCI Took off at 6:06 pm EST from Philly. What time did it crash? Yeah, it must have had a full tank.

On mobile but check out flightradar. Gives you a better picture in this situation
Looks like a learjet 55 according to the flight map

XAUCI is the #
This guy destroyed LSU.

Thanks BK!!

re: Is Joe Burrow an elite quarterback?

Posted by Old Money on 1/31/25 at 12:48 pm
Cams face LMFAO.

Cam can be annoying but he is spot on when he talks football.
Watch trump get this back and our next white guilt president hands it back to them crying
[quote]Atc has been worsening rapidly over the past few years. The number of near misses and incidents have been unprecedented. I’ve been saying for a year and a half we would see a commercial tragedy. There is a lot of incompetence in the ATC. Unless something radical changes we will see another.[/

Do military aircraft communicate with FAA?

Yeah. My guess from the audio would be the heli pilot and ATC were way too comfortable because they both are in the area daily and nothing ever happens, until it does.
So many plane related events recently jesus. This was completely avoidable. Who wasn’t paying attention is what I want to know


Except one had the FBI tracking phone calls and saw the money go between bank accounts, caught red handed, with his name on it, and the other didn't. Cope harder.

I love a good redemption story. We should hire that guy. Probably has a fire under his arse whoever that is!
No one throw food at Woody in protest. He may eat it and become even fatter.

Throw ozempic at him.
McBaws, I thought this was gonna be a W tonight :dunno: