Favorite team:Stanford 
Number of Posts:36922
Registered on:9/12/2012
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Its calready called BDS right? Just make the S Saban and not stadium :lol:...
If Kelly loses to USC I am not logging on the SEC Rant for a long time. I will also be the most negative LSU poster possible. ...
Is it wrong to say I hope it only gets worse so maybe they finally decide to clean up Paris/France? They wont, but maybe… ...
[quote]If we are truly in the end times,[/quote] We’re not. Plenty of empires have fallen and the world has continued… when we eventually fall the Earth will exist, life will keep going. ...
Ah yes healthcare. Something that wont change but just mentioning reform is good for 10s of millions of votes. Good play by them. ...
I have a car payment because I got a low interest rate during covid. I would not want a car payment with current rates :lol:...
[quote]sicboy[/quote] God damn stop slobbing on ubis cock. Regardless of fiction/alt history they're doing w/ the game its going to be dogshit like all ubisoft games so idk why you're even bothering to keep this long arse argument going with everyone. [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FXFh7vbXwAI...
The fact that the police dept spotted the guy and sent photos of him (iirc) has me speechless. Wtf was SS even doing? ...

re: Top 25 WRs in the CFB playoff era

Posted by Old Money on 7/24/24 at 10:43 am
List is shite JJ GOAT ...
[quote]I'm shocked he didn't call Milroe the N-word.[/quote] No need to worry, Alabama fanbase had that covered last season. ...
LOTR is too good for me to care. ...
Damn. Wear your seatbelt baws...
[quote]LSU and Texas fans blowing each other. Color me not remotely surprised.[/quote] Two great programs :cheers: And then there is Aggie…...
I usually pull for any sec team that isn’t hurting LSUs season, Alabama included. I also enjoy watching y’all lose because the banter, but I do prefer when we all win. ...

re: Javien Toviano Arrested

Posted by Old Money on 7/21/24 at 5:52 pm
[quote]I'll be honest - probably not worth an arrest but it's fricking sleazy.[/quote] Nah dude. It’s completely fricked up...
Of course its a woman and a PoC complaining. LMAO Shut up and serve me my Biscoff...
If we can keep this class. Holy...

re: What happened to Minnesota?

Posted by Old Money on 7/19/24 at 4:21 pm
Full of nordic people. Cucked nations in europe, cucked states here...