During a Tuesday press conference, Air Force coach Troy Calhoun made it abundantly clear who he voted No. 1 in his Coaches Poll ballot....

“Hands down, I think the most talented team in all of football right now is Alabama. That includes the New England Patriots,” Calhoun said. He then backed off from the praise slightly by adding, “They’re close to there.”
Ummm...I don't think so, bud.
Filed Under: SEC Sports
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LSU1NSEC148 months
Not even close.
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BamaGrad09148 months
Great rebuttal stoned, why don't you go find Tyrann and think up some more brilliant comebacks, I hear he has some free time.
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plutonium55148 months
So LSU is the best team jdg91878???? Like last year?????
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stonedbegonias148 months
Go teabag someone BamaGrad09
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BamaGrad09148 months
Tiger fans quick to call AFA coach stupid where are all the comments on the LSU fan being branded at the BCS Champ Game.
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LATIGERFAN148 months
What kind of hard on does this guy have for Alabama? Or is it for Saban? Isn't he the one that voted OK St #5 in the final coaches poll of the regular season last year?
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homeindadome148 months
That dude is a clown
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homeindadome148 months
Gheesh, what a ridiculous comment. No offense to LSU, but I don't think even the best college team would score a point on the worst NFL team. It would be a massacre!!
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jdg91878148 months
Unreal what 1 victory over an overrated Big 10 school will do for you. L
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jdg91878148 months
Air Force coach is really stupid. Bama isn't even the best team in the country. LSU is.
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LSU316148 months
When will this shite stop :casty:
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SaintLSUnAtl148 months
Sort of like when people were saying USC could beat an NFL team? And then they lost to pre-Andrew Luck Stanford.
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TexasTiger89148 months
Saban is going give him a lecture
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