© Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
ESPN College Football writers Kyle Bonagura and Mark Schlabach revealed their updated Bowl after Week 6

Bonagura: Peach Bowl (CFP) vs. Ohio State
Schlabach: Sugar Bowl vs. Texas
Bonagura: National Championship vs. Oklahoma

Bonagura: Outback Bowl vs. Minnesota
Schlabach: Outback Bowl vs. Michigan

Bonagura: Citrus Bowl vs. Penn State
Schlabach: Citrus Bowl vs. Penn State

Bonagura: Sugar Bowl vs. Texas
Schlabach: Peach Bowl (CFP) vs. Oklahoma

Bonagura: Belk Bowl vs. Miami
Schlabach: Belk Bowl vs. UNC

Bonagura: Orange Bowl vs. Virginia
Schlabach: Cotton Bowl vs. Boise State

Mississippi State:
Bonagura: Music City Bowl vs. UNC
Schlabach: Gator Bowl vs. Michigan State

Ole Miss:
Schlabach: Liberty Bowl vs. TCU

South Carolina:
Bonagura: Gator Bowl vs. Michigan State
Schlabach: Music City Bowl vs. Duke

Texas A&M:
Bonagura: Texas Bowl vs. Oklahoma State
Schlabach: Texas Bowl vs. Oklahoma State
Filed Under: SEC Football
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FLBooGoTigs164 months
Lol frick those bowl predictions
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Julio Red Cloud64 months
It's hard to take anyone seriously who dresses in orange from head to toe.
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s264 months
these "projections" are absolute crap. like the environmentalists claiming we have 12 years left on earth because of Global Warming.
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FOREVER LSU 201764 months
Where is ole miss getting 3 more wins from??
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sewaneerebel64 months
A & M, N. Mex. St., MSU
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FOREVER LSU 201764 months
This whole list is a goof
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AlbinoGator64 months
What crappy bowl matchups for LSWHO
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