Lane Kiffin Says He Apologized To CBS Sideline Reporter
© Butch Dill-USA TODAY Sports
Prior to Saturday's Ole Miss vs. Alabama game, Rebels head coach Lane Kiffin gave an CBS interview that involved a "Get Your Popcorn Ready" and a mic drop. It was as foolish as it sounds. On Monday, Kiffin revealed he later apologized to sideline reporter Jamie Erdahl for the awkward moment...
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Leopold40 months
Lane Kiffin is a gift to college football.
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jpcajun40 months
frick Off Larry! Why should he apologize to everyone?
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WeHaveTheBest40 months
I was rooting for you! We were all rooting for you! How dare you!
user avatar
He is a total douche. Always has been. Always will be. Low character. Awful coach. Cancer to every program he touches except Sabanland, because he kept that tool in check.
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MaroonNation40 months
He. Wry well knew it was last question because he had been imagining what her was going to do during interview. Just a all-around chode
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Bucktail140 months
Hes an idiot
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Twenty 4940 months
He also said he told Jeff Lebby at halftime: "We forgot to plug the microwave in." Now that’s funny!
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Bucktail140 months
No, its not
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Fightin Okra40 months
Said it before, it is stupid to interview a coach on the field as teams are preparing to kickoff. Do it earlier, tape it, and play it back later
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captainFid40 months
Yeah, it's obvious how he is trying to back-peddle now. "Everyone has a plan... until they get hit" Freshwater was knocked-the-F out.
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Grit-Eating Shin40 months
He didn't realize it was the last question, yet threw his headset off & abruptly walked away? That makes perfect sense.
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johnnydrama40 months
It was reported by Larry Leo so it must be true.
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Uom200140 months
It would make sense if he didn’t realize she had another question to ask.
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