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Ole Miss coach Lane Kiffin gave Matt Baker of the Tampa Bay Times the big inside scoop on Tuesday's SEC Coaches Meeting...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: SEC Football
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Julio Red Cloud28 months
Wow, what a story! That's top notch journalism right there.
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TouchdownTony28 months
Kiffin is just always looking for some shite. Almost like he's disappointed they didn't throw down. Thats that infantile child that Al Davis spoke of. Hes a brilliant offensive mind but he just too immature.
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LSU Delts28 months
They should have seated Saban between Jimbo and Kiffin.
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KAGTASTIC28 months
Kiffin is perfectly placed to point his manspreading towards Saban
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Le Tenia28 months
Jimbo is sitting at the timeout table.
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4WHLN28 months
Mannnn lets spice this up a little. Put Jimbo and Saban next to one another.
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GumboPot28 months
Haha...that's exactly what I was looking for when I saw the seating chart.
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Grateful Reb28 months
Oh muh gawd that would be sooo nuuuutsss!!!1!1!1!1!
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Alyosha28 months
I would have loved to be sitting between Leach and Kiffin.
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TigerLord202028 months
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3down1028 months
I bet you'd get thumped in the nuts 7 times minimum.
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Tiger Ike28 months
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