Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
Texas A&M head coach Kevin Sumlin met with media on Tuesday for his weekly press conference and said that he believes he will be back next season coaching the Aggies despite speculation that he will be fired.

Sumlin has been on the hot seat for some time at Texas A&M and many think he could be a candidate for the UCLA opening.

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Filed Under: SEC Football
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CGSC Lobotomy86 months
The fact that a question like that is even allowed without thast reporter's press pass being revoked tells you he gone.
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Hangit86 months
Sometimes a man asks a question that is so rude that he deserves an instant arse whooping. This was one of those times.
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PorkRoast86 months
I believe I'm going to be the coach at Texas A&M next year too. Doesn't mean either of our opinions matter.
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Hangit86 months
I'm pulling for you baw. I hope you get it too.
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Masterag86 months
If you suck at your job with integrity, you still suck at your job, Kevin.
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ColoradoAg86 months
He gone
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GeauxWarTigers86 months
"Nah, I think I'm gonna get fired." What is he supposed to say?
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