Former Auburn TE Philip Lutzenkirchen tragically died in a car crash early Sunday morning at the age of 23. To honor him, Tiger fans rolled Toomer's Corner...
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Mie2cents123 months
I liked this dude because he tortured AlaSaban with that td catch in '10. Sad to hear of his passing in a car accident.
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billf7095123 months
I am tot an Aubie, but a terrible event to lose this fine young man. Prayers go out to his family, friends, and former teammates.

I think he would have appreciated Rolling Toomers Corner for him.
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SamGinn Cam123 months
RIP brother, you were an amazing person
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Mayfair2Pville123 months
Checked ESPN earlier and saw the headline and immediately felt like this can't be real. Simply Sucks!!! Was a very good football player but even better person... R.I.P.
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