Adam Hunger-USA TODAY Sports
Former Alabama QB AJ McCarron seems to have a lot of extra time on his hands not playing for a National Championship and skipping this year's Senior Bowl. It showed last night when he tweeted out his dislike for the performances on the Grammy’s...

AJ McCarron
Is it just me or are some of the Grammy performances so far seem to be really demonic?? Looks like there is a lot of evil in the world..
7:39 PM - 26 Jan 2014
Odd choice of words. This tweet led to his followers telling him to preach, while other’s made fun of him for what they thought was bible-thumping.
Filed Under: SEC Football
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darkdaysof dinardo133 months
I don't know about demonic. But Willie Nelson set back the Medical Marijuana efforts back 100 years. Just say no! wow
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MrTide33133 months
To be fair, Perry's performance literally attempted to portray some sort of demonic ritual. Other than that, yeah, just trash.
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Kentucker133 months
Trash? Yes. Demonic? Um, no Mr. Tebow lite.
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tig3r133 months
Watched for 2 seconds, then took control and changed the channel. Trash or demonic, wasn't worth watching.
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oleheat133 months
I wouldn't say demonic.

Chances are, The Devil, himself changed the channel after about 5 minutes of that garbage.
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TigerTool461133 months
Reporting at its finest right here.
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kjntgr133 months
The Emmys? It's the Grammys bro
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Majtj236133 months
Demonic, nah. Pathetic and sad, yes. When Carol freekin King is the best performance of the night you know the Emmy's sucked.
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