Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Sportsman's Paradise
Interests:Tiger Sports / The Great Outdoors
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Registered on:3/9/2007
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re: RIP Dutch, from Karate kid

Posted by oleheat on 9/13/24 at 1:24 pm
Damn....RIP, Chad McQueen.......

re: PSA: Get that dad-blasted colonoscopy

Posted by oleheat on 9/13/24 at 12:37 pm
Great post- and he's right: DO IT. You won't even know it's being done. Take a nap; wake back up in what seems like a quick minute as if nothing happened. Note: Someone will need to go with you to drive you back home....They won't knowingly let you drive afterwards due to the anesthesia- ...
Yep. Schlitz was my Dad's go-to until they screwed up and changed the formula/brewing process. Granted, he was a "cold beer is good beer" guy- but he became a Miller drinker after they changed. :cheers:...
Steroids- or did he say something negative about Uncle Vlad next door?...
[quote]She said at least he will eat her pussy.[/quote] [img]https://media.tenor.com/iZpBVbrzV-gAAAAM/dice-man-oh.gif[/img]...
There have been quite a few that in their prime were well above average, over the years.... [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fclevelandcountrymagazine.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F05%2FShelly-West-1.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=04fb31e3a7d162cd2b6576a92e21f031545f629...
[quote]Fidelity Fighters[/quote] :rotflmao:...
Not the biggest fan of the guy or his political leanings. But he did a noble thing here...Hope his one act of kindness towards this person helps turn her on the right path. Life is indeed a gift, but sometimes it requires maintenance on our part....Good job, JBJ.. :cheers:...

re: 2024 Ole Miss > 2019 LSU

Posted by oleheat on 9/10/24 at 11:57 am
[quote]No need to discuss[/quote] :lol:...

re: Another LSU bust gets cut

Posted by oleheat on 9/10/24 at 11:49 am
He was a solid college kicker. Just another reminder of how hard it is to make it at the next level.....Not many of them do. :dunno: ...

re: LSU schedule

Posted by oleheat on 9/10/24 at 11:44 am
I don't have a problem saying Ole Miss has a great team. Probably their best in years. I expect a very fun game in TS. It's always an interesting match up when Lane pays a visit. Very much looking forward to our Reb friends coming to town..... :cheers:...
It's becoming increasingly hard to grasp that those people once ruled much of the world.....They'd have probably jailed people for saying things like "Jerry" and "Hun" as Germany was actively planning to invade them, had they lived in the 40s.... :dope: ...
[quote] If the experts predict 40, would you wear a helmet and flap jacket every day?[/quote] Not my thing- but if anyone might be interested, they do exist.... [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fthegoodride.com%2Fassets%2Flg-gallery%2Fneff%2Fjackets%2Fdaily-2-j...

re: Tyreek Hill Arrest Footage Released

Posted by oleheat on 9/10/24 at 8:03 am
Dindo Hill....That could be a town in the Outback.......
If we had leadership that actually wanted to put a stop to it, the answer would be the same as any other place in the world: The military. But- the left sees more potential voters. They do not care about the chaos they bring with them. Look at Chicago. Sure, it's a chaotic war zone....but...
[quote]Glocks do have an external safety.[/quote] Yep, all firearms do. It's located between our ears. Yeah, I know. It's a cliche'. But it's true. :lol:...
Wow. That's one of the most easily recognizable venomous snakes in the snake game.....They keep their same pattern from birth until they die.... :dope: ...
It'll be prison for this dumb arse. On top of supplying his maniac son with the AR AFTER HE THREATENED TO SHOOT UP A SCHOOL AND WAS INVESTIGATED BY THE FBI, if the family is correct about him being an addict, he committed a federal crime by lying on a Form 4473. :bird: ...
That guy has to be a complete moron. At any rate, at least these kids are old enough to defend themselves from that maniac should she revert back to her old ways.... :angry:...