Joshua Lindsey-USA TODAY Sports
Mississippi State head basketball coach Rick Ray is so loyal to his team's rivalry with Ole Miss that he refused to type anything Rebels-related to gain wifi access at his hotel in Oxford, Mississippi. He Tweeted...

Rick Ray
Wifi log in information here at hotel in Oxford, MS is "olemiss", "gorebs".....
.... I went without Wifi.
10:58 AM - 25 Jan 2014
That's commitment. Mississippi State takes on Ole Miss at 4:00 PM EST on Saturday.
Filed Under: SEC Basketball
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69sleuth128 months
But he typed "gorebs" in a tweet so doesn't that defeat the purpose?
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cheo25128 months
Good for him. Hotel probably set it up that way knowing MSU was coming. I'd take my team to another hotel next time, too.
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Henry Jones Jr128 months
What a tool
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