During last night's game between Ole Miss and Jacksonville State, the announcer attempted to say a designated hitter was looking to get aboard the bases, but instead said something quite different...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: Ole Miss Sports
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Tiger in Texas22 months
Shouldn't even be an issue...
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Godfather122 months
Since Hitler, everyone gets into art school now.
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GruntbyAssociation22 months
So this is news?
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DeafVallyBatnR22 months
On Wednesday yes.
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MadQfrog22 months
ADL incoming. Greenbalt getting a hardon.
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SomeLSUguy22 months
Surely he offended someone and the superwoke squad will have his job by tomorrow...
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Lynxrufus201222 months
He could be president!
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AllenTXTiger22 months
Out of the mouth speaks the overflow of the heart!
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jmorr3422 months
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