A Detroit Lions fan was reportedly knocked out at the game after allegedly "disrespecting" a woman during the game. It's unclear what exactly led to the brawl at Ford Field, but things got ugly quick.Warning, Language NSFW...
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(The Spun)
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JackieTreehorn24 days
NFL games are like a convention of smoke shop, kratom, and liquor store regulars. Just pure scum and trash.
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CAD703X24 days
Fascinating behavior
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robertgamb24 days
So this is what NFL games are coming to,awesome!
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jizzle660924 days
Damn Ford field had an assault and rape on the same day. Damn.
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Do not step on heads unless you want someone to die. This is stupid.
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cubsfan515025 days
Stomper needs to be charged
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WhoDatNC25 days
Shitty people everywhere.....
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Tiger Ike25 days
Daniels really did a number on those folks.
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Drizzt25 days
And this pretty much confirms that I never want to go to a game in Detroit.
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POTUS202425 days
NFL games are the trashiest things in America.
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Anemone25 days
MAGA rally
user avatar
Exact opposite. College football is MAGA land. NFL stadiums are full of libtards like the DEI firm worker Eagles' fan who called a Packer fan a c..t.
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PeleofAnalytics25 days
Lot of context in that video.
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