ESPN college football analyst Paul Finebaum thinks Ohio State head coach Ryan Day should walk away after this weekend's loss to rival Michigan...

"I think he's got a real problem," Finebaum said. "I don't like the path ahead...I think he's a very good coach. But you can't lose that game. That speaks for itself.

"I'd get out of there, while you can."
(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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CeasarA29114 months
I'm sure Ryan Day holds Pawwwwwls opinoin in high regard
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will063714 months
Wow. Day is 56-7 overall but 1-3 against Michigan. No way OSU gets rid of him. Also, OSU lost a heartbreaker to UGA in the semifinals last season. I would love for LSU to have a 56-7 record
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Sevensblue14 months
FINEBAUM wants him to be a quitter? Takes one to know one right pawl?
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Timeoday14 months
The entire Big 10 is extremely over-rated. Fact!!
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CajunBullet14 months
I'm sure Day is going to listen to big ears Paul.
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tiggerthetooth14 months
And go where Paul? Where the hell is he supposed to go?
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1914 months
Les Miles approves this message.
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cajunmud14 months
Losing 3 years in a row...the horror...haha.
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