Pitt head coach Jeff Capel was not a fan of Florida State players dunking with no time left last night and he let the Seminoles know it...
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(Barstool Sports)
Filed Under: NCAA Basketball
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StrikeIndicator28 days
You’re not getting me off my homecourt.
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atltiger648728 days
good grief, that wasn't a disrespectful dunk at all. It was quiet and tame. Capel needs to apologize - he acted like a baby.
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Nole Man28 days
Meh. That was like a half arse end of the game dunk. Wasn't disrespectful. What kind of coach doesn't encourage playing both ends of the floor until the game ends, winning or losing, anyway. At least put a body on them and let the clock run out. But you don't in any circumstance confront the players on the other team and put hands on them, if you're a coach or administrator particularly. He should minimally be suspended for starting that.
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CDawson28 days
What is more amazing to me is how the players go out on the court with that hair and think they actually look good. Wow!
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danilo28 days
Play to the buzzer soyboy
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JoeNelson28 days
“I didn’t hear no bell”
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DhanTigers21228 days
Head Coach for Pitt should be fired. That's trash. If you don't want to get dunked on at the end of the game then defend it.
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Shaq4prez28 days
To the 6 downvoters, explain your position? I'd love to hear it
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